A message from Irit Hartman, chair of the Clairlea School Council:
We have had a very successful month with respect to fundraising
and we have you to thank. If it were not for the tireless volunteers
giving of their time and working behind the scenes as well as the countless
donations and contributions from people along with all the students, Clairlea
families, Clairlea Staff and Community that support the fundraisers by
purchasing, participating and contributing we would not have the successes
we’ve had. Thank you to all!
HOWL - Thank you to all the families that came to the event we had close
to 500 people come through the doors, many with maps in hand! We raised
over $2600.00 in gross revenue and estimate approximately $2000.00 in net
profits (still tabulating a few expenses). We could not have done this if
it were not for the generosity of the many volunteers and contributors in the
Clairlea community. We received countless decorations in the drop
off bin in front of the office, almost 200 candy jars, wonderful prize donations
were given for the Looney Toss room, and many families came to help setup along
with dozens of high school students from the community, some of which were
Clairlea alumni! Clairlea grade 7 and 8 students made detailed signs for
each event room and others helped setup prior to the event. Thank you to all
the volunteers that worked tirelessly in a room during the event or were
runners to ensure that everything ran smoothly. We thank the
Clairlea staff for all that you do! Even the Fire Department heard
about the fun and came to see what it was all about! J We featured some room favourites from the past as well as
we tried out some new room themes such as; “Looney Toss” and “Eyeball
Bounce”. We hope you enjoyed your experience! All Looney Toss
winners and candy jar winners have been contacted.
that placed orders for the Norcard Holiday Season Catalogue Fundraiser.
This campaign is now closed and we have mailed all of your orders to Norcard on
November 6th so we hope to have all the items delivered in the next
three to four weeks for distribution. We managed to collect over
$3500.00 in product orders of which 50% ($1700+) of it goes to Clairlea School
Council. There is a spring version of this catalogue that we could
send out in 2013 – would you be interested? (Post comments below)
LUNCH OCTOBER 31ST – As per usual the Pizza lunch is a big hit.
Thanks to the hard work of our regular pizza lunch volunteer crew we raised
just over $600.00 net profit this month.
campaign is still going on and will be open all school year long! If you
want to participate in the reward program, which means depending on how many
magazines you order you can receive a prize, then you must submit all of your
orders in by the deadline which is NOVEMBER 13th. If
you are not interested in the prize rewards the magazine ordering process is
open and available all year and you may simply place your order anytime online
at www.qsp.ca using our school code which is 9581.
When sending in cheques for any of the fundraising campaigns the
cheques need to be made out to CLAIRLEA SCHOOL COUNCIL.
This is important to help ensure that your cheque is able to be deposited and
you are able to receive your desired product.
NOVEMBER AGENDA: (**note the new items described below)
**6:45 – 7:00pm - Selling 50/50 tickets to be drawn at the end of
the meeting
7:00 – 7:10pm - Introduction and voting in the past minutes (Irit)
7:10 – 7:35pm - Administration Report (Mr. Mcgilvray and Ms.
7:35 – 7:45pm - Treasurer’s Report (Tina)
7:45 – 7:55pm - Fundraising Report (Karen)
**7:55 – 8:25pm - Open Discussion and Vote (All)
8:25 – 8:30pm - 50/50 draw and wrap up (Irit)
In the next council meeting in the Open Discussion section we will
be discussing which categories we would like to allocate funds to for the
remainder of the school year. This will enable us to create a spending
plan in order to spend with a purpose. This in turn will enable us
to gear future fundraisers towards something specific. So come to the
meeting with ideas and suggestions as to what the fund allocation categories
could be and we will vote. To start the ball rolling a couple of suggested
categories could be:
- School Improvement Plan (discussed in October’s
meeting see minutes attached)
- Bullying and School Safety
In September everyone received a yellow Clairlea School Council
self-nomination form that was sent home. On this form you were given the
option as to whether you want to nominate yourself to be a member of school
council run for an executive position. If you chose to nominate yourself
as a member of council that means that when we choose to have a vote on any
topic, you, as a member will have your vote counted. As per the bylaws we
are required to have 50% plus 1 of the members in attendance for the meetings
or a pre determined number for quorum in order to be able to have a vote be
deemed valid. That is why we encourage everyone who is a member to make
every effort to attend all council meetings.
If you chose not be a member and just want to attend the meetings,
that means that you are welcome and encouraged to come to each meeting and
participate fully. When it comes time for vote only members can partake
but members as well as non members can all be present. Should you still
come to the meetings even though you are not a member? Absolutely, your
opinion is important and coming to the meeting and being part of the discussion
is always beneficial to all involved. If you decide that you want to
change your mind and become a member of council you are still able to do so as
there are some spots left.
I’m not sure if I am a member or not? Have a look at
the attached minutes from the October meeting. In the top attendance
section it will state the “members” that were present as well as the “non
members” that were present. The names that are in the “regrets” section
indicate members that were absent from the meeting.
We are trying something new and fun for next month whereby we will
be selling 50/50 tickets 15 minutes before the meeting starts (@ 6:45pm) until
the start of the meeting and the draw will take place at the end of the
meeting. Participation in the draw is optional.
If you would like to unsubscribe to this email (we hope you don’t)
or know someone that would like to be added to the distribution list please
send a request to clairleacouncil@gmail.com. We would like to hear
your feedback and suggestions. Do you have any feedback about the
Halloween Howl and how we can make it better for next year or what you liked
about it this year? If you are not able to come to the next meeting and
want to contribute ideas please email them to us or drop a note in the council
box in the office and we can bring them forward to the
Best Regards,
Clairlea School Council