Monday, December 9, 2019

January Council Meeting - Date Change!

The January Council meeting has been moved to:

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22nd, 7 - 8:30pm.

The date change is to accommodate the attendance of all council executive.
Thank you and we hope to see you all in the new year!

Monday, December 2, 2019

FundScrip Gift Card Roundup

Hello Clairlea community!

We are offering a gift card purchasing service (Fundscrip) that directly supports our school by donating a percentage of card sales back to the school... at no cost to you!

If you regularly buy gift cards, use them to budget your expenses or just frequent a particular vendor why not buy them through us and give back to the school?
Details are below.

If you wish to purchase your Fundscrip Gift Cards online please go to and click "Support a Group" in the top corner.

Our Clairlea Invitation code is: HWM2VU

Or can download the printable order form here, fill out your order and return the form with a completed cheque to the school ATTN: CLAIRLEA PARENT COUNCIL.

For Holiday orders by form please return order and cheque by DEC 9th to ensure they arrive in time.

This will be an ongoing campaign.

Form Link:

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Meeting in Minutes: October 16.19

October 1019 Council Meeting in Minutes
Meeting commence: 7:00 pm
Follow Up Items:
  • Family Photos – 24 spots $25 per sitting fee from cash online. Get one 8X10 with your sitting fee. Email to be sent out for sign up. If not pay in 24 hours then you forfeit your spot
    • Fundraiser for the school.
    • Clean shoes need to be worn as there is a white backdrop and floor cover
    • 10 poses in 10 minutes and you can select your image for 8X10
  • Crossing Guard on Edge Park –will monitor to see if we need this as kindergarten drop/pick up has been moved
  • Stop sign and paint for school bus loop have been purchased. Work order has been put in for painting.
Administration Report:
  • Boys’ washroom has been completed and looks great. Has accessible entrance
  • Working on girls washroom and will have accessible space
  • Soccer JR boys won east finals – City finals coming up next week
  • Remembrance Day assembly in works – K-3 in morning and 4-8 mid-morning – information will go home or in blast email
  • $100 per class per term for experiential learning (27 classes) at minimum – (can be for field trips or activates in the class and bring someone or something in) one term $2700 - passed unanimous
  • 10 more chrome books $4000 – will be added to financial plan proposal (not voted on tonight)
  • $400 to have donated piano moved to school and tuned for music class - passed unanimous
  • Cool the School – School approved fans have been purchased and delivered and there is one for every class
    • $4000 in total from last year Fun Fair fundraising
    • Questions about A/C units were raised however they need to be board approved and raised many challenges to this option. 
    • Also school windows do not lend themselves to the installation of board approved AC units. 
    • Approved motion to keep fans purchased and use fun fair funds to pay for them
Treasurer Report:
Bank balance $18,469.05
Cool the school funds need to be taken out of this amount as already allocated
Pizza funds are put into account automatically (not needed to be requested)

Fundraising for Council:
  • Inquiry into interest in creating a fundraising committee
  • October 31th financial plan to the board due with forecasted funds raised and where the funds will go
    • Email blasts will be sent to parents to discuss what suggestions they wish the council to fund. Call for ideas
  • Suggestions – 3rd party groups to come and work with the kids like drummers, dance, etc.; outdoor learning area; buddy bench; collapsible tables on 2nd floor for 6-8 to eat lunch (remove lockers) – survey the 6-8th and seeing what they want – inquiry about having alternating lunch times in the gym to allow older kids to use the room; numeracy or math support in classrooms; 
  • Opal – outdoor play and learning grant was applied by the school and we won the grant (tubular Tuesdays to start) letting kids go out and play but using items for play (80% decrease in discipline as a result of the programs as they are keeping busy). Teacher learning on how to assess safety of the program and activity. Emails to come up about what items the school will be looking for in terms of donations
  • Grant ideas spreadsheet shared with council to put in ideas and who would like to lead the grant application for the kids
    • Applied for a Green Grant ($500) and awaiting status of this
    • Best Buy Tech grant is being looked into
  • Halloween Howl
    • Funds will go towards numeracy  
    • New activates from last year
    • 50/50 - $3 per cards 2/$5 and 2 decks worth of cards
    • Scavenger Hunt
    • Plinko
    • (NB – purchase square for future fundraising events for paying  - fun far etc.)
Caring and Safe Committee
  • New at school – staff and student leadership volunteers and parent reps
  • Talking safety within our building and report back to their groups (broad definition of care and safety – mental health, dress for cold)
  • October 21st is the first meeting during the day (11:40 am)
  • Laura and Lisa are parent reps
  • Inquiry for Fund for school admin to assist those in financial need for events, dress for clothing etc.
  • Clothing Swap initiative for the school to help those who need items like coats, boots, shoes, small fitted spirit wear
Other Business
  • Coat hooks – council to support hooks for kids to hand their items in the halls as 3 classrooms do not have  - will go through facilities to see what can be done
  • Pizza lunch – looking for parent volunteers on a Wednesday AM once a month to help with pizza logistics
  • Thinking of eliminating the snack due to the increased cost of food. Currently have pizza, drink and snack (cookies)
    • Any issues with the removal of the snack – none – will proceed. 
Meeting close at 8:32 pm

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Halloween Howl - Call for Donations!

On behalf of the Clairlea P.S. School Council we are writing to request your support for our annual
Halloween fundraiser event (Halloween Howl) on Friday Oct 25th, 2019.

Clairlea P.S., at Eglinton and Victoria Park, has over 600 students from Kindergarten to Grade 8.
The event raises money that goes back into the school to support a wide variety of initiatives.
Examples include: field trip subsidies, enrichment programs and supplies for students (e.g.
school musical), and support for parents (e.g. cyberbullying workshops).

What we need:
We need your help! We require prizes for the games at the event (in order to boost funds
raised). We appreciate all types of donations. We require all prizes by Wed October 23, 2019.
We will thank our supporters on our Facebook page and Council Blog.

In addition we ask for donations of candy - LOTS of candy - decorations and of course volunteers for our event!

Peanut free candies and decorations can be dropped off at the front office.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Clairlea P.S. School Council

Family Portraits at Clairlea!

Hello Clairlea Families!

PhotoWorks will be taking Family Portraits at Clairlea P.S. on November 6, 2019 from 4:00 pm to 8:30 pm.  

This is a fundraiser for the school and all proceeds will go directly back to the students through Clairlea Parent Council.  This is a great opportunity for families to have a professional family portrait that they will cherish.  As spaces are limited, though if there is enough interest a second night may be added.

The sessions are 10 minutes long and will include 10 poses.  The session fee is $25 and includes an 8x10 print of your choice.  Additional photographs can be ordered (at an additional cost) and a percentage of all add on sales will also go to our schools fundraising efforts.  You will be able to view and order your photographs immediately following the session.  

There is no obligation or requirement to purchase any additional photos from your session.  Please note that PhotoWorks requires clean, dry shoes be brought for the photo session as the back drop and flooring is white.  You can also choose to wear socks or bare feet. 

There are only 24 sessions and they are available on a first come, first served basis.  Sign up for a session using the link below and pay via SchoolCashOnline.  Please note that you must receive a receipt email from the SchoolCashOnline to confirm payment for your session and secure your session.  

If you have any questions, please reach out to the Clairlea Parent Council at

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Kindie Dismissal Area

As per the note sent yesterday from Clairlea, the Kindie arrival/dismissal area will return to the front of the school (Rosalind side).
"As a result of feedback and staff input, we are returning to our former practice of entry and dismissal of Kindergarten students at the front of the school (otherwise known as our fenced in “Kinder Garden” area). Staff will be in the Kinder Garden yard at 8:25am to greet the students. This will begin after the long weekend on Tuesday, October 15th ."

Thank you for all of your input and concern during the pilot of this process.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Halloween Howl & Strike Action

Dear Clairlea Community,

On Wednesday Oct. 2 the Clairlea School Council (also known as Parent Council) held an evening meeting to plan the annual Halloween Howl. Parents and teens interested in helping out with the Howl were invited to attend. 

At the meeting, a plan for the event was drafted including roles and tasks. In light of recent news, there was also a thoughtful discussion on the status of the Howl given the current work to rule and possible impending strike of support staff.

The group came to a decision that the event will happen (on Oct 25th) as planned only if the labour issue is resolved by Friday, October 11. By resolved we mean that a deal has been struck between the two sides. 
To be clear this means that event will be cancelled if there is a) a strike b) work to rule or if c) a strike and workers have been legislated back to work. 

If the Halloween Howl is cancelled we will be planning a Winter event fundraiser to both recoup the revenue lost and build the Clairlea spirit.

All that being said, we ask that parents NOT wait to bring in candy donations to the main office! We will need A LOT of candy if the Howl is happening. 
In the event the Howl is cancelled, parent council will distribute the donated candy to all Clairlea students on Halloween. 

We appreciate your support and understanding.

Clairlea School Council Executive
Laura Strachan
Lisa Curran-Lehman
Hanan Haddad
Erin Peacock

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Halloween Howl 
Volunteers Meeting!
Wednesday, October 2, 7pm
Staff Lounge

Just a quick reminder that there is a brief Howl volunteers meet tomorrow evening at 7pm in the Staff Lounge.
Hanan has volunteered to spearhead the Howl this year and we want to help her out with this huge undertaking!

For those of you who can't make it please contact Hanan and she will hook you up with a position that works for you. Some of you have specified interest in certain rooms which is great.

We will also be looking for donations of decorations and candy for the howl in the coming weeks.

If you know any eager teens that would like some volunteer hours please bring them along!

Thank You!

Friday, September 27, 2019

Meeting in Minutes: Sept. 19.19

Sept 19.19 Parent Council Meeting in Minutes
Start 7:10

Election of 2019-2020 
  • Executive - Laura Strachan
  • Vice Chair - Lisa Curran-Lehman
  • Secretary – acclaimed in absentia - Hanan Haddid
  • Treasurer – Erin Peacock
Admin report
  • Introduction – Todd MacGillvary, Principal and Gayle David, Vice Principal
  • Staffing updates
  • New staff
  • Reorganization – allotted 1.0 French Immersion Teacher; .5 English teacher
  • Curriculum Night moved to be after classes reorganized to ensure parents meeting with new teacher if applicable (FI only, no movement in English classes)
Facilities update
  • Bathrooms are currently being renovated to increase privacy and make accessible
  • AC unit to transform gym into cooling centre has arrived, been installed, will be hooked up soon
  • Pennants relocated for student mural
  • Bussing issues addressed
  • Spirit Wear will soon be available for purchase through CashOnline; samples will be available for sizing
  • New entry/dismissal system
  • Working well
  • More inclusive
  • Assists with multiple child pickup
  • Will revisit by Thanksgiving by committee; if not working will change
  • Acknowledged concerns about weather
  • Past issues with parents in kindergarten pen, parents in halls, children arriving too early and sitting in hall
  • Parent Concern – parents parking near doors
  • Pylons being used
  • Would like parking lane on Edge Park where Blvd is
Other Happenings:
  • Curriculum Night w/BBQ Thursday, September 26 starting at 5pm
  • Picture Day October 2
  • Note PA Day/Thanksgiving correction on calendar
  • New music room
Parent Inquiry about “1 grade up/1 grade down” play rule:
  • For safety purposes
  • Able to play with siblings in other grades
Budget Report
  • Funfair raised money for fans; Todd to look into pricing of Board approved fans, must be safe for fingers
  • Parent Inquiry about Kindergarten SmartBoard
  • Money set aside last year; was on back order then company out of business; will be ordered
  • Parent concern about snow removal
  • Admin request for field trip monies – to be revisited next meeting
  • Parent Request - Running total to be kept of money donated by Parent Council during 2019-2020 year
Chair Introduction

Halloween Howl
  • Volunteers needed
  • Subcommittee to be struck
  • Oct 25 as potential date (confirmed)
Nov 6 Family Picture Night
  • $25 sitting fee entirely to school
  • Includes one picture and opportunity to order additional
  • Todd will secure permit
  • Approx 20 families
  • Possible set up in library
  • Parent Inquiry – prints available before Christmas?
Parent Safety Concern
Request for stop sign at bus loop driveway and white line

Parent Concerns – First day procedures
  • Difficult to see information
  • Disorganized
  • Concerns about personal information posted and parents taking pictures
  • Difficulty with Trillium Friday before School started
  • Information on report cards in June
  • Information posted in August – without personal information
  • Map of where classrooms line up
  • Teachers with Bristol Board signs showing room numbers
  • Staggered Start
  • Todd to investigate how other schools accomplish this
Parent Inquiry – possibility of crossing guard at Edge park
  • Parents encouraged to contact city to request
Parent suggestion – Parent Council page for Facebook

Adjournment 8:25 pm

Thursday, September 26, 2019

has a 

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Global Climate Strike


27 Sep 2019 @ 11:00am
Queen's Park. 111 Wellesley St 
Friday, September 27 is the Toronto Global Climate Strike
In over 150 countries, people are stepping up to support young climate strikers. Student voice and action is important for our students and parent/guardian involvement in this process is key. Please see the message below from the TDSB regarding the Climate Strike and student participation.

 Possible Student Participation in Climate Change Rally: Information for Parents & Students:
Inspired by Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg, young people from around the world have joined the Fridays for Future movement and are showing their support by participating in climate change rallies. Currently, there is a student climate change rally planned for Friday, September 27 at Queen’s Park. To be clear, this is not a TDSB-sanctioned event, however we understand that students at a number of our schools may take part. At the TDSB, we honour student voice and are committed to ensuring students can express themselves individually and collectively in ways that are constructive, respectful and responsible.
As a Board, we know that climate change is an important issue that needs to be addressed and that students play an important role in building an environmentally sustainable future. The TDSB EcoSchools Program provides opportunities within the classroom, the school, and the community for students to engage in education actions that prepare them with the knowledge, skills, perspectives, and practices they need to be environmentally responsible citizens. This approach is guided by the TDSB’s Global Competencies, which encourage students to engage in local and global concepts and initiatives while demonstrating responsibility and ethical citizenship.
With regards to the September 27 rally, safety is our top priority for students who may be planning to participate. We’ve asked our schools to work closely with student organizers so that their plans include consideration of student safety and logistical issues.
As always, students under the age of 18 require parental permission to leave class. Any students who are not in attendance at school will be marked absent. As is the case with all absences where parental permission has been granted, the absence will be deemed “explained.”
To ensure students receive no academic penalty for taking part in the rally, we have also asked our schools to avoid scheduling tests and other assessments on that day.
In the days ahead, we will be providing additional curriculum resources to support our teachers as they provide learning opportunities for students on climate change.
We encourage parents/guardians to discuss this climate change rally with their child(ren). Student voice and action is important for our students and parent/guardian involvement in this process is key.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Clairlea Council 2019/2020

Clairlea's first Parent Council meeting had a fantastic turnout last night with over 30 parents joining the discussion and welcoming in the new school year!

As mentioned, new council executive has been elected for this school year. We encourage all parents and caregivers to attend the monthly meetings to hear what council is doing for our school and how you can get involved with fundraising events, health and safety and general happenings at Clairlea. Along with the Clairlea Council blog we hope to have a Council Facebook page up and running to keep families in touch. 

This year's council is as follows:

Secretary: Hanan Hadad
Treasurer: Erin Peacock
Vice-Chair: Lisa Curran-Lehman
Chair: Laura Strachan

If you would like to be added to the Clairlea Council email list please send your your email to  We would like to hear your feedback and suggestions. 

We would like to thank Irit Hartman for all her years of service, organization and hard work to the council. Happy retirement Irit!

Let's make this a great year!

Laura Strachan

Monday, September 16, 2019

2019/2020 School Council: A message from the Chair

Dear Clairlea Families....

I hope everyone had a relaxing summer and you are looking forward to a great school year ahead.  I would like to congratulate all the wonderful parent and student volunteers, staff of Clairlea and Community vendors that made this past June's Funfair a resounding success.  We raised $4000 dollars towards the cool the school program and this newly elected School Council will have the opportunity to implement those funds.
I have had a tremendous opportunity to be the School Council Chair for the last eight years which enabled me to work closely with many Clairlea families, Clairlea staff and the Clairlea community.  As my babies are in high school and nearing high school I have chosen to retire from Clairlea School Council and cheer on all the wonderful parents that are more than capable to step into the role.  Thank you to all for the years of support and kind emails. 
The first school council meeting will take place this Wednesday September 18th.  As it is the first meeting of the year it will be run by the School administration until the election takes place.  The meeting details are as follows:

Wednesday Sept 18th
School Staff Room
Child minding is provided

The main focus of this meeting will be to elect the new school council executive which consists of the following roles....(I promise these roles are not as intimidating as they seem.  Come out to a meeting and carve your own way of helping out in a way that works for you!)

School Council Chair
Fundraising Chair

I have attached a nomination form below to be completed by anyone that wants to be involved in the Clairlea School Council in any capacity.  Even if you just want to be included in the email distribution list.  Also if you want to run for a position please complete the attached form and bring it to the meeting this Wednesday or drop it off to the office in advance.

I wish everyone the best in the upcoming year and I hope that you will continue to be involved in your child's education as much as you are able.

Kind regards,
School Council Chair 2018/2019

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

First School Council Meeting! Wed. Sept 18

School Council meets on the third Wednesday of every month, at the school, 7:00pm-8:30pm. 
Anyone with a child at Clairlea can attend - you do not need to be an official voting member of council to attend the meetings. 
Childcare is provided.

Friday, June 21, 2019


Clairlea Spirit Day!

Thursday, June 27, 2019
(last day of school!)

Come dressed as your favourite Rock or Pop star!

Wednesday, June 12, 2019



Attention all Lego fans! 
We are having a competition and all you need to do is build a Lego creation starting NOW.  The theme for the Lego competition this year is “COOL”.  Your creation could be anything; using that theme in mind.  You can interpret the word COOL anyway you like.  

There is only one rule…..   You cannot build your lego contest entry from a kit or any instructions it must be something you created fully on your own.  You can use any pieces of Lego you like and combine different Lego.  Once you have created your Lego masterpiece bring it to the funfair and enter it into the Lego competition and the judges will determine the winner on the night of the funfair.  
We look forward to seeing the Lego creations!

Monday, June 10, 2019


Clairlea FunFair is coming Wednesday June 19th!!!!!!

We are raising money to help with the Cool down the School project.  Looking for creative ways to keep the classrooms cool during the warm months to ensure a productive/healthy learning environment for all.

- I want to volunteer - Adult volunteers to run the bouncy castles, bbq and raffle attendants
- I want to donate - Donations for the raffle (gift cards, prizes all new items welcome) - drop off all items to the school office
- Start planning your cakes for the Cake Walk Game (bring your cake to thefunfair)
- Candy and Double Lollipop donations for the Lollipop Game
- Food donations
- Sponsors needed
- Market vendors needed - buy a spot in our Clairlea Market for $25 

Please get in touch with us at if you can help out!

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Parthi Kandavel, our School Trustee will be joining us to answer questions and discuss the local area development and how it will impact our school population

As requested by the Clairlea School Council members Trustee Parthi Kandavel and a staff member from the TDSB planning department will be coming to our May 14th meeting to answer your questions regarding the local area development and how it will impact Clairlea. 

Please email any questions you may have so we can send them in advance to ensure they can come prepared with the details you are looking for. Please email your questions to

All are welcome and free babysitting is provided.
We hope you can join us!

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Clairlea Public School presents: 

Managing Meanness by Cultivating Kindness

A Parent & Child Workshop

Wednesday, April 24th, 2019
Arts based empowering workshops during the school day
6:30-8:30pm Evening Workshop (for students and parents)

During the school day, the students will participate in an arts-based workshop that either uses storytelling, drama or hip hop to empower the students and promote kindness, empathy, inclusion, cooperation, honesty, caring and fair play.

An engaging and practical evening workshop that helps parents and students work together to develop effective strategies to deal with bullying and everyday negative social encounters. 

Evening Outline:

• The parent and child friendly presentation will begin with an introduction to the topic of social meanness and how it effects human development.
• A dynamic storyteller will perform “Just Kidding” by Trudy Ludwig. The story brings to life a bullying scenario and the participants will use the storyline to develop strategies that could positively effect change. 
• There will be an emphasis on using communication to help facilitate dialogue to create solutions. 
• Parents and students will be encouraged to strategize together to find alternative responses to everyday negative social issues.
• Prevention is key to not allowing situations to escalate. Participants will learn ways to identify a potential problem and to address it immediately to avoid future issues.
• Tools will be taught throughout the evening to help the victim, bystander, perpetrator and parent positively change the direction of an uncomfortable situation by implementing the use of empathy, compassion, tolerance and inclusiveness. 
• Resources will be provided to parents to further explore the topic.


Arts Express is a trusted, leading provider of co-curricular and extra-curricular arts programming in Canada. Last school year, we ran in more than 200 schools, building self-confidence and self-esteem in our participants in a safe and nurturing environment. 

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Pizza Lunch on Feb 6

Dear Clairlea families...

Please note the next pizza lunch will take place as per schedule on Wednesday February 6th.  You can go ahead and order now through school cash online as you normally would.  The ordering window is available now and will stay open until Sunday February 3rd at midnight.  If you haven’t received the reminder email from school cash online yet and you need the link please go to google and search for “school cash online”.  This will bring you to the school cash online TDSB site.  Simply click on login and go ahead and sign is as you normally would and you will see your student and the pizza lunch details for you to order. There is no need to wait for the cash online reminder email you can always search in google and it brings you to the same spot.  Pizza lunch for feb 6 is available for ordering now.

Kind Regards,
Clairlea School Council

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

School Council Tonight

Dear Clairlea Families…
Happy New Year!  We hope you had a relaxing break.   Just a few notes about things coming up.  

School Council meetings take place every 3rd Wednesday of each month.  Meetings are open to all Clairlea Community members (Parents/family members of children of Clairlea).  The next school council meeting is on Wednesday January 16th from 7pm-8:30pm. Free child minding is available.  We hope to see you there!  

Some of the items that will be discussed tonight are:
Pro Grant – Last year the TDSB granted our Pro Grant proposal amounting to $1000 with the theme of Internet Security and we were able to bring in Paul Davis to conduct a talk to both our parents and students.  It was a great turn out and success.   This year we are happy to announce that our proposal to the TDSB for the Pro Grant was awarded again for an amount of $1000.  The theme we proposed was “cultivating kindness”.    Stay tuned over the next few weeks for details of how this will be featured for both our parents and students.    We have the opportunity to apply for a Pro Grant each year through the TDSB.  If you have ideas or want to be involved in writing the proposal please let us know.
There are many grants that are made available for schools under various topics.  If you are someone that would like to help research and help complete the applications and compile the data please contact us.   Grants can make a huge difference in bringing resources, experiences and funds to the school.
Hot Lunch Programs – In our last meeting we discussed hot lunch programs (in addition to our pizza lunch program).  We had parent volunteers that generously volunteered to research available companies and present the results.  Based on the presentation we have decided to move forward with “The Lunch Lady” program.  We will do a trial implementation in March or April this year and if it is successful we will move towards implementing the program full time.  Stay tuned for more details.
Halloween Howl – Clairlea Public School has enjoyed the benefits and experience of the Halloween Howl for over 10 years.  It takes close to 50 volunteers to make this night a success and we have been fortunate to have dedicated people involved year after year that we can count on.  As you can imagine some volunteers have children that are graduating Clairlea and we are now in a position to look for volunteers to replace their spot (specifically the haunted library and the running of the Howl).  I will be retiring from the running of the Howl so we are looking for volunteers that will take over the project management of the Howl night.  I will be there to help with the transition.  Please contact us if you are interested in being involved in this process so that we can continue to bring the Howl to Clairlea.  Contact us at

The Agenda for January’s School Council meeting is as follows:
7:00 – 7:40pm Administration Report (Mr. Mcgilvray) 
7:40-7:45pm Treasurer Report (Denise) 
7:45-8:00pm Discussion Points (Irit)
8:00 – 8:30pm Open Discussion (All)

If you would like to unsubscribe to this email (we hope you don’t) or know someone that would like to be added to the distribution list please send a request to  We would like to hear your feedback and suggestions.  If you are not able to come to the next meeting and want to contribute ideas please email them to us or drop a note in the council box in the office and we can bring them forward to the meeting.    You can contact us via email at, on the blog at, or have a look at our bulletin board outside the office for the latest news.

Best Regards,
Chairperson, Clairlea School Council

January Council Meeting

SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, January 21st, 2021 7-8:30 pm Stay tuned for the agenda and Zoom link!