Monday, February 29, 2016

This Friday - Hotel Transylvania 2

Please join us this Friday March 4 at 7:00pm for movie night: Hotel Transylvania 2!

Clairlea Public School, 25 Rosalind Cres (in the gym)
$2 per person
Popcorn and drinks for sale

Seating is on the gym floor, so bring blankets/pillows. Movie night is open to all students grade 6 and under, with an adult.

Pizza lunch – March 9 and March 30

As you read in a recent email from School Council chair Irit Hartman, pizza lunch will be twice a month for the next three months. The March pizza lunches are on Wednesday March 9 and Wednesday March 30. Orders are due March 4.

You should already have received an order envelope; if not, you can download and print a copy. Please indicate which date(s) in March that you are ordering for.

Pizza lunch is one of our School Council’s most important fundraising initiatives. Thanks to the hard work of some very dedicated volunteers, pizza lunch raises thousands of dollars for the school.

Thank you very much for your support. 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Notes from last week's school council meeting

Here are a few things that we learned at last week's school council meeting.

Staff news
  • We have a new school secretary: Karen Redmond. Michelle Carson has taken on the role of office administrator.
  • Professional development is underway, with a focus on literacy (making connections: text to text, text to self, text to world).
  • Staffing models will be prepared in March/April once next year's enrollment projections are known.


  • JK English registration Feb 23. Currently closed to people outside the catchment area.
  • Grad photos coming up for the 80 Grade 8 students who will graduate this year
  • In June , the grade 8s will go to Wahanowin in Orillia for their one-week grade 8 grad trip. It will involve outdoor education, water, kayaking, canoeing). Grade 8s will be selling chocolates to help offset the $390 fee.
  • Grad and ceremony at 140 Borough Drive: Flippers Fish House and White Shields Banquet Hall
  • Feb 26 will be a Panther assembly and pyjama day
  • French Immersion registration March 2 & 3 - if you received an offer from Clairlea, please come in to register on those dates
  • Spring concert will probably be May 12 at SATEC (to be confirmed) - Music from around the world. 18 acts will include African drumming, ukuleles, Bollywood. Many thanks to the superintendent for funding some of the training, which will happen in April.

Treasurer's report:

  • $3257 available to spend

Fundraising report: 

  • Pizza lunch goes to twice-monthly starting in March for a three month pilot. Dates are March 9 & 30, April 13 & 27, May 11 & 25.
  • Popcorn Friday starting this Friday - bring $2! Flavours are butter-salt and white cheddar. Look for Joanne outside the gym at lunchtime. First come first served.
  • Movie night raised $250. Next movie night will be Friday March 4 at 7pm - Hotel Transylvania 2
  • Spirit Wear received roughly 80 orders. Fittings are happening over the next little while and you may receive an email with a recommended size
  • Fun Fair for Fitness. This summer's fun fair will raise money for outdoor sports equipment. Possibilities include additional basketball nets, tetherball, Frisbee golf. Hold the date: Thursday June 16, in the evening. Please email if you can volunteer.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Pizza lunch – February 24

Pizza lunch is on Wednesday February 24. Orders are due February 19. You should already have received an order envelope; if not, you can download and print a copy

Pizza lunch is one of our School Council’s most important fundraising initiatives. Thanks to the hard work of some very dedicated volunteers, pizza lunch raises thousands of dollars for the school.

Thank you very much for your support.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

School Council meets Feb 17

The School Council meets next Wednesday, February 17, 7:00pm-8:30pm at the school. Everyone is welcome. January 2016 minutes here.

This month's agenda:

6:50 – 7:00pm Sell 50/50 tickets (optional)
7:00 – 7:10pm Introduction and voting in the January minutes (Irit)
7:10 – 7:35pm Administration Report (Mr. McGilvray and Ms. Karsh)
7:35 – 7:45pm Treasurer’s Report (Russ)
7:45 – 8:00pm Fundraising Report (Joanne)
8:00 – 8:25pm Open Discussion (All)
8:25 – 8:30pm 50/50 draw

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Message from the Chair

Just a little over a month until March break and then it is a short jaunt until the end of the school year.  There is a lot going on in that short time frame and I’ve listed a few of the key things for you below.  As always if you have questions you can reach us at

The spirit wear order forms came home last Friday.  Please have a look through as we have some new items this year.  The deadline to submit your order is Friday February 12th.   We will not be able to accept any late orders.  To avoid any sizing issues we have a full set of sample sizes in the office and you are welcome to come and take a look at the products.  Once you submit your order along with payment we will then size your child and contact you with the suggested size to confirm the order.  Please ensure that you complete the order form clearly so that all the contact details and amounts are legible.  If you did not receive the order form I have attached one for your reference and there are extra forms in the office.  All payments are to be in exact cash or cheques made out to “Clairlea School Council”.

New Era Toque:  This one size fits all winter New Era hat is black with a pom pom and has the panthers logo on the front.  Cost $25.00/each.
Sweatpants:  These are black with an elastic closing at the ankle with the panthers logo on the left front thigh.  Cost $28.00/each.
T-shirt:  Available in black or purple featuring the panthers logo on the front and a big panther scratch on the back.  Cost $16.00/each.
Hoodies (zipped and pullover):  The zipped only come in black with the panthers logo on the back and a couple of panther paws on the front.  Cost $45/each.  The pullover hoodies come in black and purple with the panthers logo on the back and a couple of panther paw prints on the front.  Cost $40/each.
Water Bottle: As always for our eco school we have our water bottle for $5/each.

POPCORN FRIDAY…(Friday February 19th)
We are trying something new.  Starting on Friday February 19th we will be selling Kernels flavoured popcorn for $2.00/per 20 ounce bag.  Look for us at lunch time in front of the main office.  The flavours available to purchase for the month of February are buttered or white cheddar.  These Kernels popcorn products are gluten and nut free.

Due to the huge popularity of the Pizza lunch program we have decided to make pizza lunch available twice a month starting in March as a trial for three months.  Starting in March pizza lunch will take place the second Wednesday in addition to the usual time which is the last Wednesday of each month.   The prices for pizza lunch have stayed the same but the envelopes to order will look different.  You will now get one envelope for the month.  This means you will place your order once a month and it will include both dates for pizza lunch for that month.  You will pay for both pizza lunches for the month within the one envelope.  The new pizza lunch dates will be as follows:
Pizza Lunch Dates:
March Wednesday 9th & Wednesday 30th 
April Wednesday 13th & Wednesday 27th
May Wednesday 11th & Wednesday 25th
1. What if my child only wants pizza lunch once a month?
Answer: Simply fill out the envelope as you usually would and check off which date you would like the lunch to arrive.  If you don’t indicate which date you want the pizza your child will receive it on the first pizza date of that month as a default.

2. Have the prices changed?
Answer: No, for 2 slices a snack and drink is still $5 and for 3 slices a snack and drink is still $6.  The only difference is you will put in double the normal amount if you want pizza on both days in the month. For example if you normally buy 2 slices, snack and drink and you want lunch on both days that month you will pay $10.

3. Can I decide later if I want lunch on the second date of that month?
No, you will need to place your order for the month when the envelopes are due. 

If you have further pizza lunch questions please email us at

FUN FAIR 2016….
Save the date for this year’s fun fair on Thursday June 16th.  We hope to see you there and if you are able to volunteer or have items to donate please email us at  Also we are looking for suggestions of what the money raised from the fun fair should go towards.  Please send in your suggestions.

It will be happening at Danforth Gardens Jr. P.S. (20 Santamonica Blvd) on Tuesday, February 9th from 6:30pm – 8:30pm.  Childcare & Refreshments will be provided! (view flyer)
1.       Fix Our Schools: Krista Wylie   
          6:30pm – 7:15pm
                Krista Wylie is a parent to two children who attend a TDSB school that is 100 years old. Motivated to improve the state of children's school buildings, she co-founded the Fix Our Schools campaign in October 2014.

2.       2.         Cyber-Bullying & Online Privacy: Paige Bachman & Detective Shawn Marshall
           7:30pm – 8:30pm
Paige Bachman is a Partner with Aird & Berlis LLP, Chair of Privacy and Technology Law Group‎.  Shawn Marshall is a detective with the computer and cyber-crime section of Toronto Police Intelligence services
where he assists investigators all across the Service with the Internet component of criminal investigations.

School Council meetings take place on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.  The next school council meeting is Wednesday February 17th from 7pm-8:30pm. Free child minding is available.  All are welcome and we hope to see you there!  January 2016 minutes here.

Agenda for the School Council meeting:
6:50 – 7:00pm Sell 50/50 tickets (optional)
7:00 – 7:10pm Introduction and voting in the past minutes (Irit)                              
7:10 – 7:35pm Administration Report (Mr. McGilvray and Ms. Karsh)
7:35 – 7:45pm Treasurer’s Report (Russ)
7:45 – 8:00pm Fundraising Report (Joanne)
8:00 – 8:25pm Open Discussion (All)
8:25 – 8:30pm 50/50 draw

If you would like to be added to the School Council email list please send a request to clairleacouncil@gmail.comWe would like to hear your feedback and suggestions.  If you are not able to come to the next meeting and want to contribute ideas please email them to us or drop a note in the council box in the office and we can bring them forward to the meeting.    You can contact us via email at, on the blog at, or have a look at our bulletin board outside the office for the latest news.

Best Regards,
Chairperson, Clairlea School Council

Spirit Wear orders due Thursday Feb 11

Please submit your Clairlea Spirit Wear orders by Thursday February 11. If you didn't receive an order form, you can download and print this one. Fittings are strongly recommended so that you get the right sizes.

Spirit Wear is a fundraiser of the Clairlea School Council.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Born in 2012?

If your child was born in 2012, it's time to register for kindergarten. 

January Council Meeting

SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, January 21st, 2021 7-8:30 pm Stay tuned for the agenda and Zoom link!