Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Clairlea Public School presents: 

Managing Meanness by Cultivating Kindness

A Parent & Child Workshop

Wednesday, April 24th, 2019
Arts based empowering workshops during the school day
6:30-8:30pm Evening Workshop (for students and parents)

During the school day, the students will participate in an arts-based workshop that either uses storytelling, drama or hip hop to empower the students and promote kindness, empathy, inclusion, cooperation, honesty, caring and fair play.

An engaging and practical evening workshop that helps parents and students work together to develop effective strategies to deal with bullying and everyday negative social encounters. 

Evening Outline:

• The parent and child friendly presentation will begin with an introduction to the topic of social meanness and how it effects human development.
• A dynamic storyteller will perform “Just Kidding” by Trudy Ludwig. The story brings to life a bullying scenario and the participants will use the storyline to develop strategies that could positively effect change. 
• There will be an emphasis on using communication to help facilitate dialogue to create solutions. 
• Parents and students will be encouraged to strategize together to find alternative responses to everyday negative social issues.
• Prevention is key to not allowing situations to escalate. Participants will learn ways to identify a potential problem and to address it immediately to avoid future issues.
• Tools will be taught throughout the evening to help the victim, bystander, perpetrator and parent positively change the direction of an uncomfortable situation by implementing the use of empathy, compassion, tolerance and inclusiveness. 
• Resources will be provided to parents to further explore the topic.


Arts Express is a trusted, leading provider of co-curricular and extra-curricular arts programming in Canada. Last school year, we ran in more than 200 schools, building self-confidence and self-esteem in our participants in a safe and nurturing environment. 

January Council Meeting

SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, January 21st, 2021 7-8:30 pm Stay tuned for the agenda and Zoom link!