Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Report cards after all!

Great news -- we will need to be patient, but parents will be seeing our children's grades after all. According to this letter from the TDSB, marks will be mailed to our homes in July. These reports won't include learning skills or comments, but it's better than nothing!

I'm not sure who will be working overtime to make this happen, but we parents are grateful. Thank you.

A Q&A is coming tomorrow. I will update this post with the Q&A link when I have it.
UPDATED: here is the Q&A

Sunday, June 14, 2015

No school council meeting this week

This is just to confirm that there is no school council meeting this week. There was an error in the school calendar.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Report cards?

There's no official word from the TDSB yet, but the Toronto Star is reporting the possibility that there will be no report cards this year, only letters stating that students have advanced to the next grade.

According to the Star's report:
The Ministry of Education is expected to provide boards with some advice this week on what is expected, given the work-to-rule by elementary teachers, and boards will also encourage parents to speak to teachers to get more information.

However, sources say if marks are not entered into the computer system for this final report, students may never find out how they did.

The Toronto District School Board says it has not made a final decision, but principal sources have said that inputting grades for all 155,000 students up to Grade 8, in a number of different subject areas, realistically cannot be done.

Pizza lunch is June 17

Pizza lunch is Wednesday June 17. Orders are due June 12. In case you can't find the order form, you can download and print a copy.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Message from the Chair

Please see the message below from our School Council chair, Irit Hartman:

Dear Clairlea Families…
Next Meeting:
School Council will meet again in September as always every third Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm and free child-minding is available.    Please refer to the school calendar distributed in September for exact dates.  We hope to see you there in the first meeting where School Council elections will take place.

Fun Fair 2015 Postponed:
It was decided in our last school council meeting that the 2015 Fun Fair will be postponed to June 2016.  For those of you that have been involved or attended a Fun Fair or a Halloween Howl or any school council event at Clairlea in the last few years you know that the Clairlea staff play a key role in supporting the large events by volunteering their time to run the stations.  We also have a core group of fantastic tireless parents that have continuously volunteered year after year for all events.  Both these groups have enabled us as a school council to run all the successful events that the community has come to expect year over year.  This year given the Work to Rule scenario in place there was no guarantee that the Clairlea staff would be available or allowed to help out even though the staff wanted to be involved.   This left our core group of parents which would not be enough to run a large event with many stations such as the fun fair.   Therefore the decision to postpone was made. 

The goal for the fitness equipment has not been impacted and is still moving forward and the timing with respect to zoning the area via the TDSB is currently aligned with sometime in 2016.  We hope going forward that more parent volunteers join our core group to expand the group as well as fill in the space of those parents that have children that are graduating from Clairlea this year.  If you want to volunteer for the upcoming year please contact us at clairleacouncil@gmail.com.   We are always looking for parents for the following events – day and evening:
Halloween Howl
Spirit Wear
Fun Fair
Volunteer Tea:
The Teachers are hosting a volunteer tea on Wednesday June 10th from 9-11am in the staff room.  If you have volunteered in any way throughout the school year in the classroom, on a school trip, for a school council event or in any other volunteer capacity to help the students and staff of Clairlea Public School you are welcome to join in.  Please come or share this information with someone in the community that you know helped out. 

Pizza Lunch:

Our last pizza lunch of the year will take place on Wednesday June 17th.  Please ensure you bring in your order envelope on the due date which is Friday June 12th.
We always want to hear your comments so please contact us via clairleacouncil@gmail.com.   Other places to look are; The School Council bulletin board located outside the Main Office  and the School Council Blog http://clairleacouncil.blogspot.com to keep up to date of what is going on! 
Clairlea School Council

January Council Meeting

SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, January 21st, 2021 7-8:30 pm Stay tuned for the agenda and Zoom link!