Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Building a school in Kenya

I thought I'd share this article from the U of T magazine, as it might help us understand the impact of the effort Clairlea students have made over recent years to raise enough money to build a school in Kenya through Free The Children. The author, Alison Kelford, describes her experience volunteering on a school-building effort with Free The Children.

These two paragraphs helped me to understand how important this effort is, to girls and women in particular.

It soon became obvious that the school offered much more than education; it also provided a source of food and clean water. Since girls have traditionally spent their days collecting water, the provision of water allowed them to attend school. In addition to the Kenyan curriculum, the children learn about sanitation, handwashing, health education and gardening.
Although constructing the school was physically demanding at times, more challenging was the “water walk” we took with one of the “mamas.” After learning about home life, we walked 1.5 kilometres to the river and each carried 10 to 20 litres of water on our backs, uphill! (The mamas make this journey four or five times each day.) This woman inspired us as she spoke of her life and community issues. She talked about the changes that were occurring from Free the Children being in the community, such as the creation of new sources of income, improved sanitation practices within the home and the establishment of collectives.
Heartfelt congratulations, again, to the students and families who made this possible.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

March School Council meeting minutes

Minutes from the March School Council meeting are posted here. Hope to see you all at the meeting tomorrow night. (Remember, you don't have to be a voting member of School Council to attend the meetings. All are welcome. 7pm in the staff room.)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Baskets for Spring Concert

The School Council is asking for your help in bringing in items for the Baskets that will be raffled off at the Spring Concert on April 22. 

Half the school is participating in the Spring Concert (the other half performed in December), so only those classes have been asked to bring in items for the baskets. Items are due tomorrow (apologies for not getting this post up earlier...but a notice did go home). 

Here are the themes for each class - please send in a related item. 

Spring Concert 2010
.      Mme. Chow ( sk) garden
.      Ms. Cano ( jk/sk) garden
.      Ms. Moledina (gr 1/ 2) BBQ
.      Mr. Kryzanowski (gr 1/ 2) BBQ
.      Mme. Trott (grade 1/2) Backyard Patio
.      Mme. Angeleski (grade 3)  chocolate
.      Miss. Lowen (grade 3)  chocolate
.      Mme. Camara (grade 3) Backyard Patio
.      Mr. Mitkovski ( grade 6) Outdoor activities
.      Mrs. Brathwaite (grade 4) Movie Night
.      Mme. Skerletovic (grade 7/8)  Candy
.      Mr. Steers (grade 8) Candy

Thursday, April 8, 2010

April newsletter

Clairlea's April newsletter is posted here.

It contains great information about:

  • School improvement plans (including specific, measurable goals)
  • EQAO testing (including an information session April 15 for families of grade 3 and grade 6 students)
  • Cafe francais
  • Jump Rope for Heart (April 30)
  • Sports activities
  • Building a school in Kenya
  • Spring concert (April 22)

Parent engagement survey

When you have a moment, please fill out the Toronto District School Board's parent engagement survey.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

2010-11 Fundraising meeting - Wed April 7, 7pm

On Wednesday, April 7 at 7pm, there will be a meeting at the school to plan out the School Council's fundraising activities for 2010-11. 

We need everyone's help! This is a huge undertaking and we can't do it without you. We are looking for people who would like to step up as class representatives, people who would like to lead and assist fundraisers, and people to be part of outreach, community and school programs.

Please come even if you do not want to be a voting member of School Council - you do not have to be a member to help with these fundraising projects. Fresh ideas are always needed!

Please tell us, do you want pizza lunch? Magazine sales and holiday baskets? How do you want your fundraising dollars spent?

Our goal is always to support Clairlea students and teachers and to create the best learning environment possible for our children. Please come to share your ideas and perspectives and, we hope, to assist with fundraising in 2010-11. 

January Council Meeting

SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, January 21st, 2021 7-8:30 pm Stay tuned for the agenda and Zoom link!