Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Possible school bus strike tomorrow

As you've no doubt heard on the news, there is a possibility of a school bus strike starting tomorrow (May 1, 2013).

This will affect some but not all of the students that are bused to Clairlea. There are two different school bus operators (Stock and First Student) and this affects only the buses operated by Stock. (At Clairlea, this means the small school buses only, but that will not necessarily apply to students at other schools.)

If your child is on a Stock school bus, this letter will be in his/her backpack tonight. If not, then you should be ok.

The TDSB suggests that we listen to the news, follow @TDSB on Twitter, visit  www.tdsb.on.ca or call  416-397-3000 for the latest updates.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Grade 2s persuade TDSB to remove vending machine

Recently, a group of grade 2 students persuaded the TDSB that the vending machine should be removed as part of Clairlea's attempt to become a platinum eco school. Read about their persuasive letter and the response they received on Mme Trott's blog.

Message from the Chair

A message from School Council chair Irit Hartman:

Please find attached the Clairlea School Council draft minutes for the month of April 2013.  The next meeting will be held on Wednesday May 15th @ 7:00pm, see agenda below.

6:45 – 7:00pm - Selling 50/50 tickets to be drawn at the end of the meeting (optional)
7:00 – 7:10pm - Introduction and voting in the past minutes (Irit)
7:10 – 7:35pm - Administration Report (Mr. Mcgilvray and Ms. Harroun)
7:35 – 7:45pm - Treasurer’s Report (Tina)
7:45 – 7:55pm - Fundraising Report (Karen)
7:55 – 8:25pm - Open Discussion (All)
8:25 – 8:30pm - 50/50 draw and wrap up (Irit)

1. In June we will have a FREE Pizza lunch day on Wednesday June 19th.  Keep this date in mind and you will see order forms go out in early June.  What does this mean??  Every month we have a pizza lunch fundraiser on the last Wednesday of each month whereby order forms are sent home and anyone can pay and pre-order for their desired lunch.  This is a fundraiser that we have been doing all year with Pizza Pizza.  Due to the fact that we have been ordering for the last 8 months, Pizza Pizza will provide us with free pizza in the amount of what we have been ordering on average througout the year for the month of June.    Therefore we are going to make this available to the whole school whereby any child that wants free pizza on June 19th can have it regardless of whether they have ordered throughout the year or not.  So....  however many orders come in for June 19th we will use the free pizza to cover it and any additional funds needed will be covered by the School Council.  (see attached minutes for vote details). 

2. Parents Reaching Out grants – Please review the link below as we will be submitting a proposal in an effort to receive this grant.  The grant can reach a maximum of $1000 specifically to enable any parents and community members to be more involved in our school and our childs education.  Please see attached minutes for discussion points and we would like your suggestions as to what you think the proposal should entail.  Deadline for your suggestions are this week.  Please send all ideas to clairleacouncil@gmail.com.   A draft proposal will be put together and presented in our next school council meeting on May 15th.   The link below outlines the full proposal process along with sample proposal ideas that have been granted to other schools in previous years.   http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/parents/reaching.HTML

3. Mabel's Labels - The Mabel’s Labels fundraising campaign is open until the end of the school year.  The website to place your order is:  http://www.clairlea.mabelslabels.com/  If anyone is using a Clairlea water bottle and requires a label you can get one in the school office. 

4. Track and Field Day - We will be providing refreshing fruit for the participants for Track and Field Day this Wednesday May 1st.  A few volunteers are needed for this effort.  If you are avialable please send an email to clairleacouncil@gmail.com.

If you would like to unsubscribe to this email (we hope you don’t) or know someone that would like to be added to the distribution list please send a request to clairleacouncil@gmail.com.  We would like to hear your feedback and suggestions.  If you are not able to come to the next meeting and want to contribute ideas please email them to us or drop a note in the council box in the office and we can bring them forward to the meeting.   
You can contact us via email at clairleacouncil@gmail.com, on the blog at http://clairleacouncil.blogspot.com, or have a look at our bulletin board outside the office for the latest news.

Best Regards,
Clairlea School Council

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Academic achievement at Clairlea

At last week's School Council meeting, Mr. McGilvray presented a detailed account of the many things going on at Clairlea to help improve academic achievement. Minutes from that meeting will be ready next week, but in the meantime - here's some of what we heard:

The school is focused on “Finishing Strong” or delivering great learning experiences in April, May and June. To this end, there have been professional development sessions on focused planning for grade 3 and grade 6 math teachers given by a former math coach.

In addition, a professional from the Ministry of Education will be working with the staff for several days planning for next year. Staff members are also working on class organization for next year, considering special education needs and the best allocation of individual students to particular classes. A five-person leadership team has been given positions of responsibility (PORs) to lead this process. Existing teachers meet with receiving teachers to discuss the makeup of each class, considering student needs and affinities in deciding which student goes where.

Staff members are also working on collaborative teaching and resource sharing in an effort to improve academic achievement.

We also learned about something called the Learning Opportunities Index. This is essentially a ranking of Toronto schools based on socio-economic need. The lower the number, the higher the need. The index considers factors like median income, percentages of families under the low income threshold, percentage of families receiving social assistance, adults with low education, adults with university education, and single-parent families.

 To quote the TDSB:
The LOI ranks each school based on measures of external challenges affecting student success. The school with the greatest level of external challenges is ranked number one and is described as highest on the index. It is important to acknowledge that students in;all schools have some external challenges, even those schools that are ranked very low on the LOI.

The LOI measures relative need and compares all schools on exactly the same set of data collected in a consistent, reliable, and objective manner.
Clairlea's rank of 178 in 2011 buys us one additional half-day teacher, whose services must be applied to the English track, grades 4-6. Next year, it will be used to support the grade 6 English class, allowing it to be broken into two groups each morning and come together as a larger group every afternoon.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Pizza lunch orders due tomorrow

Pizza lunch orders are due tomorrow. If you need to, you can download and print the order form. Please send it to school with your child. Proceeds from pizza lunch support Clairlea's school improvement plan. Pizza lunch is on April 24.

Please do submit your orders by the deadline. Late orders cause considerable difficulties for the wonderful volunteers who make pizza lunch possible at Clairlea.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Track and Field Day

Track and Field Day is back!

A huge thank you to Mr. Church and everyone else who will have a hand in organizing it. We are truly grateful.

Date: Wednesday May 1
Rain Date: Friday May 3

Grades 2-6 will compete during school hours.
Grades 7-8 students who are interested can compete before or after school; watch for a schedule of events that will be handed out later this week.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Edge Park Cleanup - Saturday April 20

Ward 35 city councillor Michelle Berardinetti has organized a multi-park cleanup on Saturday April 20 from 10am-11am. Edge Park is on the list - that's the park just beyond Clairlea's schoolyard. Volunteers, please meet in the park at 10am. Bags and gloves will be provided.

Monday, April 8, 2013

School Council meets Apr 17

The next School Council meeting is on Wednesday April 17, 7:00pm. All welcome. Childcare will be provided. Voting members, please make every effort to attend.

6:45 – 7:00pm - Selling 50/50 tickets to be drawn at the end of the meeting (optional)
7:00 – 7:10pm - Introduction and voting in the past minutes (Irit)
7:10 – 7:35pm - Administration Report (Mr. McGilvray and Ms. Harroun)
7:35 – 7:45pm - Treasurer’s Report (Tina)
7:45 – 7:55pm - Fundraising Report (Karen)
7:55 – 8:25pm - Open Discussion (All)
8:25 – 8:30pm - 50/50 draw and wrap up (Irit)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Fundscrip orders due April 11

A quick reminder that Fundscrip orders must be placed by Thursday April 11 for pickup at the April 17 School Council meeting.

With Fundscrip, you buy gift cards and the school gets anywhere from 3% to 7% of the value back. Use them to buy groceries, gas, clothes, toiletries and of course, for gifts.

Place your order online (use group code MGBJSW). Orders placed by this month's deadline will be ready for pickup at the School Council meeting, or sent home with students the following day.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Results of the TDSB's 2012 Parent Census

You may recall responding to a Toronto District School Board survey last year about your perceptions of your child(ren)'s experience in school.

The results of that 2012 Parent Census are now out. They paint a fascinating picture of life within Toronto schools, looking at a range of issues, including children's emotional well-being and feelings about school, their tiredness and anxiety, sense of safety inside and out of school, participation in sports, arts and school events, and parent-school relationships. Many of the responses are broken out by gender, family income and race; these results suggest a  disturbing degree of inequity across our city.

Learn more about the TDSB's parent census on their web site.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Message from the Chair

Please find attached the Clairlea School Council draft minutes for the month of March 2013.  The next meeting will be held on Wednesday April 17th @ 7:00pm, see agenda below.

6:45 – 7:00pm - Selling 50/50 tickets to be drawn at the end of the meeting (optional)
7:00 – 7:10pm - Introduction and voting in the past minutes (Irit)
7:10 – 7:35pm - Administration Report (Mr. Mcgilvray and Ms. Harroun)
7:35 – 7:45pm - Treasurer’s Report (Tina)
7:45 – 7:55pm - Fundraising Report (Karen)
7:55 – 8:25pm - Open Discussion (All)
8:25 – 8:30pm - 50/50 draw and wrap up (Irit)

1. A proposal will be put forth regarding pizza lunch for the month of June.  The pizza lunch program runs for 9 months from September until May.  Then as a special offer to schools Pizza Pizza then provides the school with pizza for the month of June for free equal to the average amount that was spent from month to month throughout the school year.  We are proposing that the School Council top up the amount and provide free pizza to the entire school for anyone that wants it for the June Pizza Lunch.  What do you think?

2. Parents Reaching Out grants – Please view the link and bring any suggestions or questions to the April meeting.  Application deadline is May 21.   http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/parents/reaching.HTML

The spirit wear campaign was a success and all the items have been distributed to the classes.  Please remember to preserve the size and limit shrinking it is suggested that all items are washed first with like colours, with no bleach and air dry the first time.   If you have ordered a water bottle please label it prior to use.  We have started a new fundraising campaign with Mabel's labels and we will be providing labels for the water bottles for those that require it.  We will send out an email once the labels arrive.  Please also label all your spirit wear clothing in an effort to keep it out of the lost and found.  If you order labels through our personalized Clairlea Mabel’s Labels website we will receive a percentage of the profits.  The Mabel’s Labels fundraising campaign is open today until the end of the school year.  The website to place your order is:  http://www.clairlea.mabelslabels.com/

If you would like to be added to the School Council's distribution list please send a request to clairleacouncil@gmail.com.  We would like to hear your feedback and suggestions.  If you are not able to come to the next meeting and want to contribute ideas please email them to us or drop a note in the council box in the office and we can bring them forward to the meeting.   
You can contact us via email at clairleacouncil@gmail.com, on the blog at http://clairleacouncil.blogspot.com, or have a look at our bulletin board outside the office for the latest news.

Best Regards,
Clairlea School Council

Monday, April 1, 2013

Introducing... Mabel's Labels

Keep all that wonderful new spirit wear out of the lost and found!

Order personalized name labels from Mabel's Labels. Clairlea receives a portion of every order placed through the link at left - www.clairlea.mabelslabels.com.

January Council Meeting

SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, January 21st, 2021 7-8:30 pm Stay tuned for the agenda and Zoom link!