Sunday, December 10, 2017

EQAO: your chance to weigh in

Love it or hate it, parents have some pretty strong views on EQAO, our province's standardized testing in grades 3, 6 and 9.

Here's your chance to weigh in. See details below.

Learning is complex and evolving. We know that student assessment is an important part of the process. But how do we improve assessment and the reporting of it so that it has the most positive impact on student learning at individual, school, school board and system-wide levels?

In 1993 the Government of Ontario appointed the Royal Commission on Learning to study the direction of the province's education system comprehensively. Its report provided extensive recommendations to improve the education system – and it emphasized the importance of classroom assessment in supporting students' learning.

We are now looking ahead to imagine the future of assessments in Ontario. Reviewing how we approach assessment is necessary to realize the Ontario Ministry of Education's commitment fully to meet the educational needs of Ontario's young people.

Join this important conversation -- 

January Council Meeting

SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, January 21st, 2021 7-8:30 pm Stay tuned for the agenda and Zoom link!