Wednesday, March 28, 2012

technology in schools

In the wake of announced budget cuts, I've been thinking about the way we (as parents, as schools, as a society) deploy our resources -- a subject that will certainly loom large for a long while. I'm no longer an educator, and certainly don't claim to be an expert on managing a classroom. But I have taught at the university and college level for many years, and I still do a lot of presentations, and it has been my experience that the prevailing certainty that technology helps people learn and keep students engaged is misplaced. In my last year teaching at York, where my classrooms were wired with all kinds of presumably very expensive A/V equipment, I went back to lecturing without any technological backup. Students complained at first, because they were accustomed to taking notes from powerpoint slides, and they found it much more difficult to process ideas and facts, and determine for themselves what they should be writing down. It was that difficulty that made them pay attention. Still, I did a bit of research and discovered that just as some universities were spending fortunes on "smart" classrooms, others were tearing out the computers and A/V systems -- because they were interfering with learning. Now that we're facing budget cuts, I've been thinking about those articles I came across. That was a couple of years ago, and I haven't been able to lay my hands on them. But I did come across this recent piece in the LA Times. If others find this line of thinking interesting, I'd be happy to dig a bit deeper. In any case, if we're looking at trying to get by with less, and we can identify something expensive that not only doesn't help a whole lot, and may even hinder learning, then perhaps we can make cuts sting considerably less.

Welcoming a new blog contributor!

Clairlea community, allow me to introduce you to Nick Garrison, a new contributor to this blog. Nick, meet Clairlea.
Nick's a Clairlea parent and a member of the school council. He reads widely, and has agreed to take on the role of blogging about education. Today he has written his first post, on technology. As always, your comments, ideas and thoughts are welcome. 

Friday, March 23, 2012

UPDATED: Ward Forum: preparing for budget cuts

Update March 23, 2012 - the presentation from this meeting is now available - click here. Thank you to Trustee Moyer for sending. 

March 5, 2012 -- I attended the Ward 18 forum tonight, and although I had to leave just as it was getting interesting, I came away with this message loud and clear: there are going to be budget cuts in the TDSB next year, to the tune of more than $80 million. It's not going to be easy.

By law, the TDSB must balance its budget, and it must meet the commitments required by the Ministry of Education. There are scant few revenue sources, so the shortfall must be found in expenses. The majority of the TDSB's expenses are salaries, most of which are governed by collective agreements; the elementary teachers' contract is up for negotiation now.

School trustees are in a consultation phase now, so if you have ideas for new revenue sources or ways to cut expenses or want to stand up for a certain program, now's the time to voice your opinions to Ward 18 school board trustee Elizabeth Moyer, at 416-393-8815 or

I'll see if I can get a copy of the presentation given tonight; it contained some interesting facts. UPDATE: here is the presentation.

Trustee Moyer mentioned that the all-day kindergarten plan is moving ahead as the province has planned, although it's possible the implementation schedule may shift somewhat. If your child is currently registered in all-day kindergarten, that will not change. Nearly half of TDSB kindies are currently in all-day word yet about Clairlea, at least not that I've heard. (Post below if you know something I don't!)

Minutes from February School Council meeting

The minutes to the February 15, 2012 School Council meeting can be downloaded at this link. The March meeting took place on Wednesday and I will post those minutes before the April meeting (Wed April 18) if they are available.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Development at Pharmacy & Eglinton - MEETING MAR 26

A large new development is being considered for the corner of Pharmacy & Eglinton.

Right now, the application is for re-zoning from industrial to mixed-use residential, but eventually the developer will apply for permission to build five apartment/condo towers ranging in height from 30 to 40 storeys, for a total of 1,640  new residential units. 

You can find the details of this application at; select Ward 35 from the drop-down menu and click "submit."

This many new residents in the area will certainly affect our schools. In response to our inquiries, City Councillor Michelle Berardinetti will host a meeting at Clairlea P.S. on MONDAY MARCH 26 from 6:30 to 8:00pm in the Library. City of Toronto Planning and Development staff and the project developer will be there to answer our questions. Please do your best to attend, as we need to become informed and engaged in this process. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

Pizza lunch March 29

Pizza lunch will be on Thursday March 29. Order forms will be going home after March Break, and are due back on March 23. Just in case yours doesn't make it home, here it is:

Spirit Wear orders still being accepted

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a good March Break.

Spirit Wear orders will be accepted on MONDAY and TUESDAY of next week. Click here to download and print the order form; please drop completed forms at the office no later than Tuesday March 20.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Movie Night March 23: The Muppets

Join your pals at Clairlea on Friday March 23 for a $2 screening of The Muppets! Click image for details.
Click image to enlarge

Thursday, March 8, 2012

School Council meets Wed. Mar 21

The School Council meets on Wednesday, March 21, 7:00 pm at the school. All welcome. Childcare in the gym. If you are a voting member, please make every effort to attend, as a quorum of 50% +1 is required.

Have a great March Break, everyone!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Fraser Institute's report card on Ontario schools

The Fraser Institute has come out with a report card on Ontario Schools, as well as a tool that lets you compare schools. I've not forgotten that "if you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself,"* but I couldn't resist: here's how Clairlea and our sister school, SATEC, sit in relation to some of our peers (selected by me, purely out of curiosity), according to the Fraser Institute.

Clairlea in red; all schools average in green. I included Courcelette as a point of comparison, as it has a reputation as being a very good elementary school.

SATEC/WA Porter in red; all schools average in green. For those in French immersion, Cedarbrae is the high school Clairlea feeds into. 
*from Desiderata

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Spirit Wear orders due Friday

Spirit Wear orders are due Friday March 9, 2012. Click here to download and print the order form
Please label all clothing items! 
Here's a sizing chart:










X-Small (2-4)

Small (6-8)

Medium (10-12)

Large (14-16)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Lunch - Thursday

Please let Ginnie know if you can contribute a dish to Thursday's teacher appreciation lunch.

Click image to enlarge

Also - click here for a copy of the school's newsletter for February 2012.

Ward forum - tonight!

Apologies for the late notice (I was away), but perhaps you noticed this on the school's blog. There's a Ward 18 Forum with trustee Elizabeth Moyer tonight at Regent Heights (that's on Pharmacy south of St. Clair) at 6:30pm.

Click to enlarge image

January Council Meeting

SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, January 21st, 2021 7-8:30 pm Stay tuned for the agenda and Zoom link!