Friday, April 29, 2016

Register asap for before-and-after care for JK/SK students

A reminder that if you want before-and-after care for your kindergarten students next year, you must register as soon as possible! So far, 15 families have registered. The program needs 20 students to proceed.

I am hearing that the cost is between $27-32/day.... contact the provider for details as I am definitely not an official source.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Kindie before- & after-school childcare - registration TODAY

Sorry for the late notice, but there is a registration evening this afternoon (Wed Apr 27, 3pm-6pm) at Clairlea for before- and after-school care for full-day kindergarten students.

My understanding is that the program will only go ahead if there is sufficient registration. If you can't make it tonight, you may also register with East York East Toronto Family Resources (EYET) by appointment; contact Mindy Williams at 416-690-0349 or

letter and flyer were sent to parents yesterday.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Family math night at Gordon A Brown middle school

For families with kids in grades 5-8, Gordon A Brown middle school (on St Clair just west of Victoria Park) invites you to their Family Fun Math Night on May 5 starting at 6:30pm.

The content is based on materials from the Council of Ontario Directors of Education, also downloadable here: . Count yourself in!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

School Council meets April 20

The School Council meets next Wednesday, April 20, 7pm at the school. Everyone is welcome.

Generally the agendas go as follows:

6:45 – 7:00pm - Selling 50/50 tickets to be drawn at the end of the meeting (purchase is optional)
7:00 – 7:05pm - Introduction (Irit)
7:05 – 7:35pm - Administration Report (Mr. McGilvray and Ms. Karsh)
7:35 – 7:45pm - Treasurer’s Report (Russ)
7:45 – 7:55pm - Fundraising Report (Joanne)
7:55 – 8:25pm - Open Discussion (All)
8:25 – 8:30pm - 50/50 draw and wrap up (Irit)

Monday, April 11, 2016

Social studies project? Never fear...

Did you know that the public library has a wealth of online information on Canadian history, geography, politics, social issues and historical figures? Just visit the library's Canada in Context section and log in with your library card.

A full list of the library's online databases is available here:

Monday, April 4, 2016

Pizza lunch – April 13 and April 27

Pizza lunches this month are on Wednesday April 13 and Wednesday April 27.

Orders are due April 8. Order envelopes should be coming home in backpacks today or tomorrow; if not, you can downloadand print a copy. Please indicate which date(s) in April that you are ordering for.

Pizza lunch is one of our School Council’s most important fundraising initiatives. Thanks to the hard work of some very dedicated volunteers, pizza lunch raises thousands of dollars for the school.

Thank you very much for your support.

January Council Meeting

SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, January 21st, 2021 7-8:30 pm Stay tuned for the agenda and Zoom link!