Sunday, May 29, 2016

Pizza lunch – June 8 and June 22

June's pizza lunches are on Wednesday June 8 and Wednesday June 22. Orders are due this Friday June 3.

You should already have received an order envelope; if not, you can download and print a copy. Please indicate which date(s) in June that you are ordering for.

Pizza lunch is one of our School Council’s most important fundraising initiatives. Thank you very much for your support.

As this will be my last post about pizza lunches this year, let's give a big shout-out to Wendy Whittle and her dedicated crew of pizza lunch volunteers. They stepped it up this year with twice-monthly pizza lunches. Thanks to their many hours of hard work, pizza lunch raises thousands of dollars for the school to fund things like field-trips, experiential learning opportunities and this year's school concert. Thank you Wendy, Joanne, Russ, Irit, Chimei, Judy, Tina and all the others who help with this program. 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Track and Field Days: June 3 and June 9

Weather permitting, Clairlea's Track and Field Days will be on Friday June 3 (grades 4-8) and Thursday June 9 (grades 1-3). An incorrect date appeared in my earlier post on this - I apologize. 

More details are available on the Clairlea Athletics blog.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Great things going on around Clairlea

Here are some of the things we learned at this week's school council meeting:

Events, sports & activities: 
  • Track & Field Days are June 2 June 3 (grades 4-8) and June 9 (grades 1-3) (The Birchmount meet is June 17 for grades 3-8 who move on.)
  • Grade 8s go to Wahonawin June 20-24; graduation is June 27
  • For the runners, the Downsview 5k is Sat June 4. A bus will leave from the school. 
  • Team sports include soccer, ultimate frisbee and floor hockey
  • Grade 3 students will write EQAO on May 30-June 1 (FI only writes math)
  • Grade 6 will write June 6-8 (unfortunately this will prevent the grade 6s from participating in the ultimate frisbee competition)
  • Now that they are twice-monthly, pizza lunches typically raise more than $2,500 per month
  • Popcorn Fridays have been very successful and will continue into June
  • Movie nights have concluded for the year
  • Spirit Wear sales were a success. A more streamlined fitting process will make distribution quicker next year. 
  • The Fun Fair on June 16 will support the purchase of outdoor sports equipment such as basketball nets, portable frisbee golf, tetherball poles and kindergarten play equipment.
Student-led Fundraising
  • The Grade 7s and 8s recently visited Daily Bread Foodbank to deliver the $600 they raised through a bake sale and Toonies for Tummies. Daily Bread said this was the biggest donation they had ever received from a school. The students spent the day sorting brussels sprouts. They all donated their TTC fare on that day as well. 
  • At the school concert, the Student Leadership Team raised $450 for the Red Cross to support victims of the Fort McMurray wildfires. These funds will be double-matched. 
  • More than 50 young volunteers clad in yellow safety vests have been working hard to clean up the schoolyard and Edge Park on a regular basis. Three cheers for the Garbage Busters!
  • The Garbage Busters are also saving the mylar popcorn bags after Popcorn Fridays and will be using them to build a solar cooker. 
School Council Spending
  • In addition to last month's contributions of $2,000 to field trips and $2,000 toward the cost of the school concert, School Council this month contributed $500 toward a deejay for the Grade 8 graduation. Thank you to everyone who made this possible by supporting School Council fundraisers.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Clairlea Fun Fair June 16 - 7 ways you can help

The Clairlea Fun Fair will be the evening of Thursday June 16 and you can be a part of its success!

Here are seven ways you can support this fantastic evening:

  1. Bake or buy a cake for the cake walk. Anything goes! (Except nuts.) Bring these to school the day of the event. 
  2. Dig through your old Halloween stuff and donate costumes or swag to the Superhero Dressup Room. Drop these off at the office any time.
  3. Volunteer to assist on the evening of the event. Shifts are available between 5:30 and 8:30pm. Or stick around for cleanup duty! Email to sign up. 
  4. Contribute money or items to the raffle table. Please get these to Irit by Thursday June 9.
  5. Bring in lollipops or small bags/jars of candy for the ever-popular and lucrative Lollipop Pull. Drop these off in advance or bring them by on the 16th.
  6. Spread the word! Watch this space for a flyer that you can print and post around your neighbourhood or share with friends. 
  7. Show up and have fun! 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Message from the Chair

Dear Clairlea Families….

The Clairlea Funfair is less than a month away!  We hope to see everyone there on Thursday June 16th from 5:30-8:30pm.  Bring your neighbours, friends and family all are welcome.  All revenue earned from the Clairlea Funfair will go towards purchasing outdoor sports equipment for Clairlea grades JK to grade 8.  Please see below how you can help to make the Funfair a Success.  Email us at

How Can You Help Make the Clairlea Funfair a Success?
  1. Make a cake or 2 and donate them to the Cake Walk Room, email
  2. Volunteer your time to help out from 5:30-8:30pm on Thursday June 16th for any of the Fun Fair activities, email
  3. Donate a basket or items we can include in a basket to be raffled off at the funfair, email
  4. Make a cash donation to sponsor part of the Clairlea Funfair, email
  5. Purchase a spot for $25.00 in our Clairlea Funfair Market to sell your homemade items or services, email to make a reservation.
  6. Donate little candy filled jars/bags and large lollipops to be used for the Candy Pull game at the Funfair, email
  7. Help us advertise the Funfair to the Community, post it on your blog, announce it to your group, let your soccer, hockey, baseball and gymnastics groups know about it and invite them to come. Email
  8. Donate costumes that we can use in our SuperHero Dressup room at the Funfair, email
  9. Do you want to help but don’t know what you could do, please email us at
  10. Come enjoy and have dinner at the Funfair!

What will you see at the FunFair?  Come see your favourite teacher at the Funfair!
We have some new items as well as returning favourites to the FunFair this year.  Some items include, The Rock Wall, Cake Walk Room, Raffle Baskets, Obstacle Course, Big Slide, NEW Super Hero Room, Sno Cones, Delicious BBQ (HALAL), Henna, Face Painting, NEW Bungee Run, Fire Truck, Bouncy Castle, Clairlea Vendor Market, Lollipop Pull, Candy Guess, Mounted Police, and much, much more…..


Thank you to all families that donated items/money to go towards the raffle baskets for the school concert last week.  Unfortunately we didn’t receive enough to support the creation of a basket by the deadline so we decided to hold over the donations and they will be used to create baskets for the Clairlea Funfair.

Clairlea Spirit Wear…
All Clairlea Spirit Wear has been distributed with the exception of a few items that will be coming in the next week.  We experienced a delay in the process because to ensure accuracy we fit each child individually to ensure that items ordered were the correct size because exchanges are not an option.    Once the child was fitted the parent was contacted for approval.  We received a lot of feedback that parents were grateful for the size check and there were a lot of changed sizes but it did lengthen the process to enable fitting hundreds of garments.  To ensure a speedy process going forward a new plan has been devised for next year whereby there will be specific fitting days allocated on evenings and weekends whereby if you plan to order spirit wear you can come to the allocated fitting day(s) and place your order.  This will ensure a quick turnaround going forward.  Thank you for your patience and we hope you enjoy your spirit wear.

Pizza Lunch…
Pizza Lunch has been a tremendous success twice a month for the last three months.  We will continue to have pizza lunch the 2nd Wednesday and the last Wednesday for the month of June.

School Council Meeting: 
We will have our last school council meeting of the year tonight as there will not be a June meeting. Please see below the agenda for tonight as well as the minutes from the last meeting.

Tonight’s Agenda for the School Council meeting:
7:00 – 7:10pm Introduction and voting in the past minutes (Irit)                               
7:10 – 7:35pm Administration Report (Mr. McGilvray and Ms. Karsh)
7:35 – 7:45pm Treasurer’s Report (Russ)
7:45 – 8:00pm Fundraising Report (Joanne)
8:00 – 8:25pm Open Discussion (All)

If you know someone who would like to be added to the distribution list please send a request to  We would like to hear your feedback and suggestions.  If you are not able to come to the next meeting and want to contribute ideas please email them to us or drop a note in the council box in the office and we can bring them forward to the meeting.    You can contact us via email at, on the blog at, or have a look at our bulletin board outside the office for the latest news.

Best Regards,
Chairperson, Clairlea School Council

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

School Council meets May 18

The School Council meets next Wednesday, May 18, 7pm at the school. Everyone is welcome.

The agenda*:

7:00 – 7:10pm Introduction and voting in the past minutes (Irit)                              
7:10 – 7:35pm Administration Report (Mr. McGilvray and Ms. Karsh)
7:35 – 7:45pm Treasurer’s Report (Russ)
7:45 – 8:00pm Fundraising Report (Joanne)
8:00 – 8:25pm Open Discussion (All)


Monday, May 9, 2016

Spring Concert on Thursday

Just a reminder of the spring concert on Thursday at SATEC. It starts at 6:30pm but the kids need to arrive early.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Pizza lunch – May 11 and May 25

This month's pizza lunches are on Wednesday May 11 and Wednesday May 25. Orders are due this Friday May 6.

You should already have received an order envelope; if not, you can download and print a copy. Please indicate which date(s) in May that you are ordering for.

Pizza lunch is one of our School Council’s most important fundraising initiatives. Thanks to the hard work of some very dedicated volunteers, pizza lunch raises thousands of dollars for the school.

Thank you very much for your support.

January Council Meeting

SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, January 21st, 2021 7-8:30 pm Stay tuned for the agenda and Zoom link!