Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Halloween Howl - here's how you can help

The Halloween Howl is on Saturday!

I hope your kids are excited about this as we are. It's great fun for just $5 per person.

It's also one of Clairlea's biggest fundraisers of the year. Funds raised will be used to support extracurricular activities and enrich the learning environment in many ways.

We would be grateful if you can help in any way. Here's what we need:

Halloween stuff. Anything at all! Here are some suggestions -- 
·        Black plastic dollar-store tablecloths (we need many of these!)
·        Spiderwebs
·        Halloween candy – peanut-free – to be used as prizes in various rooms
·        Styrofoam tombstones
·        Skulls, mice, bats, body parts
·        Twinkle lights (lend us yours – we’ll return them before Halloween!)
·        Corporate donations – for some of the larger prizes e.g. for the loonie toss
·        Candy jars – large and small. If you’re bringing in a large one, please note the number of candies it contains and we’ll use it for the guessing game. We also need many, many small jars or bags of candies to use as prizes for the lollipop pull. We can use up to 400 small bags or jars of candies so please donate as many as you can! These can be left at the office any time before Oct 26 or bring them to the Howl. 

We also need adult volunteers for Halloween Howl. We need people for the haunted house, the hockey room and various other jobs including setting up and tearing down the event. Please contact us at clairleacouncil@gmail.com if you can volunteer. 

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January Council Meeting

SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, January 21st, 2021 7-8:30 pm Stay tuned for the agenda and Zoom link!