Monday, October 21, 2013

Message from the School Council Chair

Good morning everyone!

For anyone who missed it, below is the message that our School Council chair Irit Hartman sent out by email last week.

Dear Clairlea Families
The school year is well underway and things are getting busy!  I’ve outlined below some key dates coming up as well as where we could use your help!  Please have a look through and as always we want to hear your comments so please contact us via or drop a note in the main office School Council Bin or come to the next School Council Meeting.   Also have a look at our School Council bulletin board located outside the Main Office  and the School Council Blog to keep up to date of what is going on! 

The next school council meeting is tonight Wednesday October 16th from 7pm-8:30pm. Free child minding is available.  All are welcome and we hope to see you there!  The minutes from last month’s meeting as well as the end of last year are attached for your perusal.  (September 2013 and June 2013).

The Agenda for tonight’s meeting will be as follows:
6:45 – 7:00pm Selling 50/50 tickets
7:00 – 7:10pm Introduction and voting in the past minutes (Irit)
7:10 – 7:35pm Administration Report (Mr. Mcgilvray and Ms. Harroun)
7:35 – 7:45pm Treasurer’s Report (Tina)
7:45 – 8:00pm Fundraising Report (Irit)
8:00 – 8:25pm Open Discussion (All)
8:25 – 8:30pm 50/50 draw


NORCARD…  (DUE OCTOBER 22nd)  There is less than a week left to our Norcard fundraiser.  This shopping calendar came home in the backpacks a few weeks ago and you are able to order calendars, greeting cards,   stationary items, jewelry and much more just in time for the holiday season.  Items will arrive approximately the last week of November 2013 (perhaps sooner).  All money (cash or cheque) and order forms (with completed legible contact information and order details) must be returned to your classroom teacher no later than TUESDAY OCTOBER 22ND 2013.   Cheques must be made payable to “Clairlea School Council”.  Late orders will not be accepted and will be returned back to you.

PIZZA LUNCH… (DUE OCTOBER 21ST) The pizza lunch program is well under way and we are coming up on our second pizza lunch installment on Wednesday October 30th.  Please note this is NOT when the pizza lunch envelope orders are due.  Due to the large volume of pizza that needs to be ordered for the school we need to place the order a few days prior to the actual pizza lunch date.  That means if a family submits their order late there is a risk that your child may not receive pizza because they would not have been part of the original order.  Please make an effort to submit your orders on time as per the date on the envelope as well please take a moment to carefully fill out the form.  From time to time we do receive orders with missing information.  If there is information lacking on your order it will default to 2 cheese slices and water.  All orders placed for the year should have received a confirmation email if an email address was provided.  You will still get a pizza lunch envelope each month that you can recycle.
This month you would have received two pizza order envelopes.  Please note one of them is for the regular monthly pizza lunch and the other is if you want to pre order a pizza dinner for the Halloween Howl fundraiser event on October 26th.  If you pre-ordered pizza for the year it does not include the Halloween Howl dinner.

HALLOWEEN HOWL… (SATURDAY OCTOBER 26TH FROM 4-7PM) The team is working hard putting together the upcoming Clairlea Halloween Howl Fundraiser.  Please save the date and bring the children out for a spooky fun time on Saturday October 26th from 4pm-7pm.  We encourage the children to dress up in their favourite costume so that they can participate in the contest at the end of the evening!  We are an ECO Platinum School so we ask you to hang on to the flyer/map that was sent home with all the details of the night and bring it with you to the Howl to help navigate. I’ve attached it just in case.  Also please bring your own loot bag/recycle bag to the Howl to enable the kids to collect all their goodies.  Entry is only $5.00/per child and we are offering the option of a pizza dinner during the event but we need to know in advance if you are having the dinner so we ensure there is enough.  If you are planning on eating at the event please hand in your envelopes with your meal selections and payment as soon as possible.  Help our fundraiser to be a success!

Cheese slice $2.00/ea.
Pepperoni slice $2.00/ea.
Water Bottle $1.00/ea.
Apple Juice Box $0.50/ea.


1.       VOLUNTEERS:  We need your help to make this a fun time for our Clairlea children at the Halloween Howl.  We need people to volunteer in rooms as well as help with setup and clean up.  Please email us your contact details at or drop off a note in the main office in the School Council Bin.  The setup times will be on Friday October 25th from 3:30 until 9:00pm and Saturday October 26th from 10:30 am until 4:00pm.  Clean up times will be on Saturday October 26th from 7:00-9:00pm.

2.      DECORATION DROP OFF: We need Halloween decorations of all kinds!! There is a large blue bin in front of the main office of the school where you can drop off all items.  Dig up any decorations you are not using or loan us yours for the event and you can have them back at the end of the night, or pick up an extra item or two the next time you are at the dollar store.  We are mainly looking for:
Rectangular black plastic table cloths, spider webs, all sorts of candy to hand out for prizes in the rooms, Styrofoam tombstones, skulls, mice, bats, body parts and twinkle lights.

3.       CORPORATE DONTATIONS: If your company would like to donate a prize or gift to be used as one of our prizes during the event please contact us at

4.       HOME MADE CANDY JARS/BAGS:  We need many candy jars to be used as prizes for the Lollipop Pull room.  You can help by filling any sized jar with (nut free) candy and bring it to the school office anytime between now and the Halloween Howl.  The more jars we have the longer this room will be able to stay open and it is definitely one of the favourite rooms.  Feel free to decorate your jars as well.   We will use the small jars for the lollipop pull room and if you are filling a larger jar please count how many candies are in it and label it with the number and we will use it for the Candy Guess station.

MOVIE NIGHT…   (NOVEMBER 22nd)  Our first movie night of the year was a great success.  Attendance was just over a hundred people, not to mention some stuffed friends as well!  Our next movie night will feature the movie “Turbo” on Friday November 22nd (save the date).

In September everyone received a yellow Clairlea School Council self-nomination form that was sent home.  On this form you were given the option as to whether you want to nominate yourself to be a member of school council run for an executive position.  If you chose to nominate yourself as a member of council that means that when we choose to have a vote on any topic, you, as a member will have your vote counted.  As per the bylaws we are required to have 50% plus 1 of the members in attendance for the meetings or a pre determined number for quorum in order to be able to have a vote be deemed valid.  That is why we encourage everyone who is a member to make every effort to attend all council meetings.

If you chose not be a member and just want to attend the meetings, that means that you are welcome and encouraged to come to each meeting and participate fully.  When it comes time for vote only members can partake but member as well as non members can all be present.  Should you still come to the meetings even though you are not a member?  Absolutely, your opinion is important and coming to the meeting and being part of the discussion is always beneficial to all involved.  If you decide that you want to change your mind and become a member of council you are still able to do so as there are some spots left.  Our bylaws state we can have up to a maximum of 50 members.

I’m not sure if I am a member or not?   Have a look at the attached minutes from the September meeting.  In the top attendance section it will state the “members” that were present as well as the “non members” that were present.  The names that are in the “regrets” section indicate members that were absent from the meeting.

We tried something new last year and people seemed to enjoy it so we are doing it again.  For fun 15 minutes before the start of each meeting we will be selling 50/50 tickets (@ 6:45pm) until the start of the meeting and the draw will take place at the end of the meeting.  Participation in the draw is optional.

1.       The most common item in the lost and found is a sweater or a lunch bag.  Having a label on your child’s belongings makes it much easier to find it in the lost and found!
2.       It is illegal as well as a safety hazard to park on Rosalind Crescent at anytime – even for just a few seconds to pick up your child!
3.       Clairlea is looking for a couple of adult volunteers to join the lice checking squad throughout the year.  Please contact the office if you are able to help out.

If you would like to unsubscribe to this email (we hope you don’t) or know someone that would like to be added to the distribution list please send a request to clairleacouncil@gmail.comWe would like to hear your feedback and suggestions.  If you are not able to come to the next meeting and want to contribute ideas please email them to us or drop a note in the council box in the office and we can bring them forward to the meeting.   
You can contact us via email at, on the blog at, or have a look at our bulletin board outside the office for the latest news.

Best Regards,

Clairlea School Council

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January Council Meeting

SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, January 21st, 2021 7-8:30 pm Stay tuned for the agenda and Zoom link!