Monday, June 10, 2013

Message from the Chair

A message from School Council Chair Irit Hartman...

Dear Clairlea Families.....
Please see below a few updates and changes to existing events as well as a new item.  Thanks for reading!


1. VOLUNTEER THANK YOU: Each year the staff at Clairlea host a celebration to say thank you to all the parent/family volunteers that have helped out in the school throughout the school year.  This year there will be a volunteer brunch drop in will be held on Friday June 14th from 8:00am until 9:30am (in the library) in an effort to accomodate those that are working outside the home.  The invitations will be going out early this week so keep an eye out in the backpacks if you have volunteered in the school.  This could mean a variety of things such as: volunteered on a school trip, helped in the classroom, helped during pizza lunch, helped with photocopying, helped with scholastic, halloween howl volunteers, volunteered for any of the school council initiatives and many more.  If by chance you don't get an invitation and you know you have volunteered please come anyway.  The timing of the volunteer brunch is on the same day as the "panther assembly" and all are welcome to stay and attend the assembly.  The primary assembly will take place at 8:40am in the gym and the junior assembly will take place at 12:25pm in the gym.

2. FREE PIZZA: We are having a FREE Pizza lunch day on Wednesday June 19th.  Check backpacks as the orders have gone home.  If you haven't seen one please get one from the office as they have extras.  Those of you that have prepaid for the year must still fill out a form as the prepayment only went until May.  
What does this mean??  Every month we have a pizza lunch fundraiser on the last Wednesday of each month whereby order forms are sent home and anyone can pay and pre-order for their desired lunch.  This is a fundraiser that we have been doing all year with Pizza Pizza.  Due to the fact that we have been ordering for the last 9 months, Pizza Pizza will provide us with free pizza in the amount of what we have been ordering on average throughout the year for the month of June.    Therefore we are going to make this available to the whole school so that any child that wants free pizza on June 19th can have it regardless of whether they have ordered throughout the year or not.  So....  however many orders come in for June 19th we will use the free pizza to cover it and any additional funds needed will be covered by the School Council.

3. MOVIE NIGHT: Our last movie night of the year will be held on Friday June 14th, featuring “Escape from Planet Earth”.  (Grade 6 and under only).

4. CLAIRLEA AUCTION: The bidding time has been extended.  The new bidding close date will be Thursday June 13th at 3:30pm sharp.   Once the bidding is closed the winner of each activity will be contacted on Friday June 14th.  The winner of each activity will be the person that had the highest bid for that activity.  All activities will be scheduled and take place between June 14th and the end of this school year.   

How do you make a bid??  There are two ways to make a bid firstly, you can email your bid information to or you can drop off a bid at school in front of the office to the appropriate bid boxes that will be on display from June 3rd to June 13th.

What information should I include on my bid??  Each bid must have the following information included on it:  Students first name, Students last name, contact phone number, Activity Number, Activity Name, Bid Amount.

Is there a limit to how many times I can bid?? No there is no limit.  You may bid as many times as you like on as many activities that you like as long it is within the bidding period of June 3rd @ 9:00am to June 13th @ 3:30pm sharp.

How do I know if I won??  All winners will be contacted on Friday June 14th

What are the items to bid on?? Please see below for a list of all activities that are up for bid.

ACTIVITY 1: Teacher for the day in Room 111. (Grade 1 French Immersion, Mme. Volokhova)
ACTIVITY 2: You and a friend will make a bracelet or a necklace with Ms. Kumagawa.
ACTIVITY 3: Spend a day with the kindergarten class, either AM. or PM. (SK French Immersion, Mme. Fahim)
ACTIVITY 4: Have a pencil portrait drawn of yourself from a photo. (Mme. Pare)
ACTIVITY 5: Have a 45 minute guitar lesson. (Mr. Corby)
ACTIVITY 6: You and 11 friends will have a dodgeball game against the teachers. (Primary Students Grades JK – 3)
ACTIVITY 7: You and 11 friends will have a dodgeball game against the teachers. (Junior Students Grades 4-6)
ACTIVITY 8: You and 11 friends will have a dodgeball game against the teachers. (intermediate Students Grades 7-8)
ACTIVITY 9: Free lunch with Mr. Mitkovski.
ACTIVITY 10: Free lunch with Mme. Angelevski.
ACTIVITY 11: You and 3 friends will go to Dairy Queen get a sundae and walk back with Ms. Brathwaite.
ACTIVITY 12: You and 4 friends will make Ice Cream Sundaes with Ms. Hawkins.
ACTIVITY 13: Teacher for the morning in Room 104. (JK/SK English, Ms. Cano)
ACTIVITY 14: You and 2 friends will make Ice Cream Sundaes with Ms. Park.
ACTIVITY 15: Have 5, 25 minute piano lessons to be held at lunch time. (Mr. Kryzanowski)
ACTIVITY 16: Make a chocolate dessert with Mme. Demeter.
ACTIVITY 17: You and 3 friends will have a cooked breakfast at school, before school starts with Ms. Rule.
ACTIVITY 18: You and 3 friends will have a pizza party over lunch with Ms. Yuill.
ACTIVITY 19: Free lunch for you and 2 of your friends with Mme. Boisjoly, Mr. Poon and Ms. Wright.
ACTIVITY 20: Shaving Cream Pie in Mr. Mcgilvray’s face.
ACTIVITY 21: Shaving Cream Pie in Ms. Harroun’s face.
NEW!!!! ACTIVITY 22: Dinner for you and a friend (Adult or child) at Le Papillon (French Restaurant) with Mr. Landry

If you would like to unsubscribe to this email (we hope you don’t) or know someone that would like to be added to the distribution list please send a request to  We would like to hear your feedback and suggestions.  If you are not able to come to the next meeting and want to contribute ideas please email them to us or drop a note in the council box in the office and we can bring them forward to the meeting.   
You can contact us via email at, on the blog at, or have a look at our bulletin board outside the office for the latest news.

Best Regards,

Clairlea School Council

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January Council Meeting

SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, January 21st, 2021 7-8:30 pm Stay tuned for the agenda and Zoom link!