- Report cards will go home February 9 (except grade 6's who will be at Kearney that week)
- Parent-teacher interviews are by request or according to need only, and will take place throughout the week of Feb 9 and into the following week. No interviews on the PA Day Feb 12.
- Winter Activity Day is Feb 11 for grades 4-8. The options are skiing, snowboarding or indoor inline skating.
- The Spring Concert will be in early May and will focus on music and dance from around the world. Date TBD.
- Spirit Wear will be on sale in early February. New items include a black toque and sweatpants. Water bottles, hoodies and t-shirts also for sale. Fittings are recommended.
- We will be having a Fun Fair in June. Date TBD.
A concern was raised about class sizes in the primary grades. Although class sizes are supposedly capped at 20-23 students in grades 1-3, some of Clairlea's primary classes are currently as high as 27. This is because of new students moving into the area after "count day" at the end of September, as well as students who switch from French to English and are not asked to return to their home schools. After "count day," anything goes and there is not much that the principal can do. Parents who find this situation troubling can write to our school's superintendent Mr. Audley Salmon or your elected representative to the TDSB, Ward 18 trustee Mr. Parthi Kandavel.
A request was made to remind teachers about the TDSB's homework policy, which prohibits homework during school holidays (section 3.9).
Finally, there was another discussion about the broken bridge in the play structure in the back schoolyard. The bridge would cost close to $5,000 to repair and has instead been boarded up. Parents are concerned about safety as children often climb over the boards. Despite the administration's best efforts, the TDSB cannot be prevailed upon to repair it.