My apologies for taking so long to type up a summary of the Oct 21 School Council meeting. Here are my recollections of the meeting, in a nutshell. Please send me an email with anything I've missed.
*Clairlea will be sending two Council representatives to the People for Education conference on all-day kindergarten in Ontario. Ginnie and Tami will report back on what they learn.
*The Principal reported that safety continues to be a top priority at Clairlea. Card-readers have been installed at certain doors with more to come. Ms. Persaud asks that all parents respect the traffic guidelines at the school and park only where permitted. All students have received a refresher on school bus safety. Ms. P. was pleased to note that Clairlea will continue to have a nursing student on-site into 2010.
*Each year, every School Council is asked to update its principal and vice-principal profiles; these are essentially guidelines for what we are looking for in that role. Your thoughts on this are most welcome.
*Vice-Principal Frenette reported on Clairlea's EQAO results. There was considerable discussion on the meaning and significance on the results. Mr Frenette has kindly agreed to spend more time with me explaining these results and the school's action plan, so that I can pass that information on to you. More on that soon.
*Treasurer Ann Silver presented the School Council finances, and there was a discussion about future fundraising plans and areas of spending, including yearbook, grade 8 and kindergarten graduation and other school projects. 2010-11 Fundraising and budget planning meetings will take place in the spring.
*Ms. Rule reported that Clairlea is now a Silver Level Eco School! Congratulations to all involved. She also reported that the Grade 4-8 World Cup soccer is now finished, and that the Grades 1-3 are now playing soccer at recess.
*The Junior-Intermediate Drama Club (grades 5-8) will be putting on a play this winter. Follow Ms. Park's blog for future details.
*Council approved $160 to fund a photography project for the Home School class.
*The Clairlea Fun Fair will take place on June 12, 2010. We're actively seeking volunteers as well as donations for the silent auction. Please email us if you're able to help.
*A Dance-A-Thon will take place on Wednesday November 18. This is a fundraiser to support a robotics program at Clairlea. Details to come.
I think that was about it - but the official minutes will capture everything in detail. Please let us know if you want to join the School Council's email list.