Saturday, November 28, 2009

EQAO: Clairlea's action plan

As I reported in yesterday's post on Clairlea's EQAO results, Mr. Frenette has every confidence in Clairlea students’ ability to succeed. The school is putting several programs into place to give students the resources and support they need.

As Ms. Persaud told the school in a letter when the results came out, "Student results on EQAO assessments are an important source of information about student strengths and areas needing improvement. As a school community, we use them along with other information to guide our own school improvement initiatives and instructional programs. The result of this work benefits not only your child but all students in the school. The testing results are also used by our school board and the Ministry of Education to direct attention and support where they are needed."

What that means is that Clairlea has a school improvement plan. It is too complicated and multi-faceted for me to explain here, but certain programs have already been put in place and there's more to come. Mr. Frenette reports on the plan at School Council meetings and everyone is welcome to attend (whether or not you are a voting member of Council) to learn more and to pose your questions.

Mr. Frenette also shared his views on what parents can do to support our children in the learning process. More on that in tomorrow's post.

January Council Meeting

SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, January 21st, 2021 7-8:30 pm Stay tuned for the agenda and Zoom link!