Monday, May 26, 2014

Staff Auction

CLAIRLEA STAFF AUCTION: We are having an Auction with the teachers and staff of Clairlea.  Many of the staff have come up with activities for you to bid on.  

The bidding will be open from Tuesday May 27 at 9:00am until Monday June 9 at 3:30pm only.

Once the bidding is closed the winner of each activity will be contacted on Tuesday June 10.  The winner of each activity will be the person that had the highest bid for that activity.  All activities will be scheduled and take place between June 10 and the end of this school year.   

How do you place a bid? You can email your bid information to or you can drop off a bid at school at the office to the appropriate bid boxes that will be on display from May 27 to June 9.

What information should I include on my bid?  Each bid must have the following information included on it:  Student's first name, Student's last name, contact phone number, activity number, activity name, bid amount.

Is there a limit to how many times I can bid? No, there is no limit.  You may bid as many times as you like on as many activities that you like as long it is within the bidding period of May 27 @ 9:00am to June 9 @3:30pm.

How do I know if I won? All winners will be contacted on Tuesday June 10. 

When do I pay if I win?  Payment is due by Wednesday June 11.  If your payment is not received you will lose the rights to the activity and it will go to the next highest bidder.

What are the items to bid on? Please see below for a list of all activities that are up for bid.

  1. ACTIVITY 1: Nail polish painting party for you and 3 friends  - 4 people total - nail polish remover will be used. (Mme. Dungo)
  2. ACTIVITY 2: You and a friend will have a beading class and make a bracelet or a necklace with Ms. Kumagawa.
  3. ACTIVITY 3: Spend a day with the kindergarten class, either AM. or PM. (SK French Immersion, Mme. Fahim)
  4. ACTIVITY 4: You and 2 friends will bake chocolate chip cookies with Ms. Yuill on June 16th.
  5. ACTIVITY 5: Floor Hockey Game.  You and 13 friends make two teams to play eachother.  (Grades 2-3 - Mr. Church)
  6. ACTIVITY 6: Batting practice for you with Mr. Church.  You get 100 hits (Slo Pitch) and pick 5 friends that will field the balls.  (Grades 4-8 Mr. Church)
  7. ACTIVITY 7: You and 11 friends will have a dodgeball game against the teachers. (Primary Students Grades JK-3)
  8. ACTIVITY 8: You and 5 friends will have a volleyball game against the teachers. (Junior Students Grades 4-6)
  9. ACTIVITY 9: Free lunch for you and a friend with Mr. Mitkovski.  Parent permission is required to walk to the mall on the day of the lunch.
  10. ACTIVITY 10: Free lunch for you and a friend with Mme. Angelevski. Parent permission is required to walk to the mall on the day of the lunch.
  11. ACTIVITY 11: You and 5 friends will have a volleyball game against the teachers. (Intermediate Students Grades 7-8)
  12. ACTIVITY 12: Be the teacher for the morning in Ms. Ruggles' class.  A planning session with Ms. Ruggles is required prior to the Special day and all planned activities must be pre-approved.
  13. ACTIVITY 13: You and a friend will have an Ice Cream Party with Ms. Moledina.
  14. ACTIVITY 14: Teacher for the morning in Room 104. (JK/SK English, Ms. Cano)
  15. ACTIVITY 15: Have five 20-minute piano lessons for one person to be held at lunch time (12:00-12:20). (Mr. Kryzanowski)
  16. ACTIVITY 16: Teacher for the afternoon in Room 104. (JK/SK English, Ms. Sharman)
  17. ACTIVITY 17: You get a guaranteed hit that will dunk Ms. Bauman at the Fun Fair on June 19th 5:30-8:00pm
  18. ACTIVITY 18:  You and a friend will have a cooked French meal of your choice prepared by Mme. Stempiniak.
  19. ACTIVITY 19: You and 4 friends will have an Ice Cream Party with Mme. Volokhova (June 20th @ 11:50am).
  20. ACTIVITY 20: Shaving Cream Pie in Ms. Harroun’s face at the last day assembly.
  21. ACTIVITY 21: Shaving Cream Pie in Mr. McGilvray’s face at the last day assembly.
  22. ACTIVITY 22: Race up the rock climbing wall with Ms. Rule at the Fun Fair on June 19th 5:30-8:00pm
  23. ACTIVITY 23: Ice Cream Sundae Party for you and 3 friends with Ms. Hawkins.
  24. ACTIVITY 24: Mme. Bensalam will treat you to an Ice cream of your choice at Dairy Queen.  Parent permission is required to go to Dairy Queen.
  25. ACTIVITY 25: Ms. Purvis will take you and a friend to the Blue Jays game on June 10th @ 7:07pm.  Update: seats are in Section 525, row 2. Parent permission is required.
  26. ACTIVITY 26: You and a friend can join Ms. Lowen for a "Fun Fresh Fruit Smoothie Making Party" in a fancy travel cup that you will keep and take to class with you. (Monday June 23rd @ 8:00am in the staff room)
  27. ACTIVITY 27: You and a friend can join Ms. Callahan for a "Fun Fresh Fruit Smoothie Making Party" in a fancy travel cup that you will keep and take to class with you. (Monday June 23rd @ 8:00am in the staff room)
  28. ACTIVITY 28: Top 10 bidders will join the intermediate teachers for a pizza lunch and dessert. (Ms. Vincent, Mr. Poon, Mme. Francis, Mme. Boisjoly, Ms. Wright)

P.S.  Clairlea Fun Fair is coming! Thursday June 19th 5:30pm - 8:00pm.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Fun Fair will be Thursday June 19!

Lots of volunteers, donations and support are needed. We need everyone's help to make the event a success. Watch this blog for how you can help.

All proceeds to support reading programs at Clairlea!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

A message from the Chair

The following message is from our School Council Chair, Irit Hartman:

Dear Clairlea Families,
Please be reminded that we have our school council meeting tonight at 7:00pm.  This will be our last meeting of the year as we will not have a June meeting.  I will send out a final email at the end of June summarizing how we’ve done for the month and things coming up for the following year.  Please see below for tonight’s meeting agenda.  
6:45 – 7:00pm - Selling 50/50 tickets to be drawn at the end of the meeting (optional)
7:05 – 7:35pm - Administration Report (Mr. Mcgilvray and Ms. Harroun)
7:35 – 7:45pm - Treasurer’s Report (Tina)
7:45 – 7:55pm - Fundraising Report (Ms. Harroun on behalf of Irit)
7:55 – 8:25pm - Open Discussion (All)
8:25 – 8:30pm - 50/50 draw and wrap up (Council Executive)
CLAIRLEA STAFF AUCTION: We are having an Auction with the teachers and staff of Clairlea.  Many of the staff have come up with an activity for you to bid on.  The bidding will be open from Monday May 26th at 9:00am until Friday June 6th at 3:30pm only.   Once the bidding is closed the winner of each activity will be contacted on Monday June 9th.  The winner of each activity will be the person that had the highest bid for that activity.  All activities will be scheduled and take place before the end of this school year.   Stay tuned this week for an email that details the auction items up for bid.
CLAIRLEA FUN FAIR:  We are having a Fun Fair and we hope you come with your family, friends and neighbours to partake in the fun.  We will have a Rock Wall, Bouncy Castles, Obstacle Course, Rainbow Loom, Dunk the teacher, Duct Tape Ms. Harroun, Face Painting, Henna, Lollipop Pull, Bingo, BBQ (Halal and Veggie options available), music and much more.  For a complete list please see attached a map of all the Fun Fair activities as well as a legend describing each activity.  Come find your favourite teachers that will be working the different stations for the Fun Fair.  All funds raised will go towards Clairlea Reading Programs.  Literacy supported through books and technology in French and English.  Please contact us with any questions or clarifications or donations at  
WHAT: Clairlea Fun Fair 2014
WHEN: Thursday June 19th 2014
TIME: 5:30pm - 8:00pm
WHERE: Clairlea Public School 25 Rosalind Crescent (Inside & Outside the School)
WHO: Everyone (You don't need to attend the school to come. 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult)
We are looking for the following donations to help us make the Fun Fair a great success.  Please place all donations in the bin provided outside the Main Office of the school.  Please contact us at if you have any questions or you or your company would like to make a donation.
-          Cotton Balls
-          Coloured Construction Paper
-          Princess dresses, Boas, Shoes and Tiaras
-          Pipecleaners (all colours)
-          Craft Gem Stones (all colours)
-          Rainbow Loom Elastics (all colours)
-          Random Dollar Store Items to be used as Bingo Game Prizes (eg. Toys, Kitchen Items etc.)
-          Large lollipops – to be used for the Lollipop Pull Station
-          Small Candy Jars or Bags Filled With Candy – as prizes for the Lollipop Pull Station
-          Large Candy Jars Filled With Candy or Other Items – for the Candy Guess Station
-          Any New and unwrapped items to be placed as a Raffle Prize
-          Bake a Cake or Two to be used in the Cake Walk Station
If you know someone that would like to be added to our email distribution list, please send a request to  We would like to hear your feedback and suggestions.  If you are not able to come to the next meeting and want to contribute ideas please email them to us or drop a note in the council box in the office and we can bring them forward to the meeting.   
You can contact us via email at, on the blog at, or have a look at our bulletin board outside the office for the latest news.
Best Regards,
Clairlea School Council

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

No school on June 6 - it's a P.A. Day

Please note that there is no school on Friday June 6. It is a P.A. Day.

June 13 is a regular school day. There was an error in the school's printed calendar.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Pizza orders due May 23

Pizza lunch is on Wednesday May 28!

Orders are due May 23.

For those who pre-ordered, this is the final pizza lunch that you have paid for this year. Thank you very much for pre-ordering, as this provides some stability to the program and hopefully simplifies things for you at home. If there is a pizza lunch in June, we will send home another order form for you.

Thank you!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

School Council meets Wednesday May 21 (UPDATE: includes agenda)

The Clairlea School Council meets next Wednesday, May 21, at 7:00pm in the staff room.

All are welcome - voting members, non-members, community and staff. Childcare is provided in the gym.

The agenda and draft minutes from last month will be posted when they are available.

Update: here is the agenda for the May 21 meeting. 

6:45 – 7:00pm - Selling 50/50 tickets to be drawn at the end of the meeting (optional)
7:05 – 7:35pm - Administration Report (Mr. Mcgilvray and Ms. Harroun)
7:35 – 7:45pm - Treasurer’s Report (Tina)
7:45 – 7:55pm - Fundraising Report (Ms. Harroun on behalf of Irit)
7:55 – 8:25pm - Open Discussion (All)
8:25 – 8:30pm - 50/50 draw and wrap up (Council Executive)

This is the last meeting of the school year. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Seminar - fostering resiliency through self-regulation

The Toronto Catholic District School Board is hosting a terrific speaker on Wednesday night, and has kindly extended the invitation to parents from other boards as well. 

Stuart Shankar is a psychologist and researcher from York University. His book Calm, Alert and Learning focuses on fostering resiliency through self-regulation. The idea is that stress and anxiety can prevent children from learning, and that the kids themselves can notice this and learn to regulate their own mental state so that they will be ready and willing to learn. 

Read more about his ideas in this CBC article and, if you're interested in attending his presentation, find location details and a registration link here. The seminar is Wednesday May 14, 7:00pm at Yonge and Sheppard. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge

The Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge starts today. It's a global reading challenge that encourages kids to read throughout the summer months. If they log their minutes, they can earn rewards and prizes, and contribute to beating last year's record of more than 176 million minutes.

In my opinion, the best part about this program are the downloadable/printable age-appropriate reading lists. This year's theme is Reading Under the Stars, so these lists include "books about space, stars and astronomy, as well as spooky stories to read by a campfire."

There's also a reading timer app for Apple/Android devices.

Scarborough Southwest Bike Rodeo - Saturday June 7

The 2014 Scarborough Southwest Bike Rodeo will be great fun for families who love cycling.
Saturday June 7, 10am-2pm.
For more information visit

January Council Meeting

SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, January 21st, 2021 7-8:30 pm Stay tuned for the agenda and Zoom link!