- Hunger continues to be a problem at Clairlea and Mr. McGilvray is looking into funding for a snack or breakfast program. Rebecca has also been researching this and will bring in a speaker in January to provide us with more information. In the meantime, the organizers of pizza lunch decided to put $100 from each pizza lunch toward the purchase of healthy snacks for when students don't have anything to eat at lunch.
- Rebecca and I are going to take a stab at drafting some bylaws for the School Council. Please email me if you'd like to join our little subcommittee. Any lawyers out there?
- Clairlea's holiday concert will be on December 15 at SATEC. Stay tuned for a list of classes that will be performing (the rest will perform at the Spring concert).
- The Halloween Howl was a huge success! Congratulations to everyone involved. $2,200 raised.
- Through the Caring & Safe School team, the staff are working on progressive discipline and on yard and lineup routines. The playground and fields have been divided into zones by grade so that kids can play safely with others of the same age. Grs 7&8 have been given "ready-entry" privileges, which means they don't have to line up before entering the school. They are also allowed to use the Edge Park playfield for sports only.
- Mr. McGilvray identified the following needs, which School Council agreed to pay for:
- Clairlea shirts for new staff members
- 4 new projectors and (I think?) 3 DVD players
- balls for outdoor/recess play
- Ms. Gousis reported on lots of great extra-curricular and sports activities underway at the school. Special thanks to her for coming to the meeting even though she was not feeling well.
- Instead of a holiday Fun Fair in December, there's a plan to host a Holidays-in-May fun fair on Saturday May 26. Hold the date and stay tuned for details.
More details in the minutes which the chair/secretary will circulate before next meeting.
I am a parent of a child in grade 1, French Immersion. I am a lawyer and would be happy to assist with the bylaws. Please contact me at pcho[at]krmc-law.com directly.
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome, Philip! Thank you. I will email you directly. -Catharine.