Some of these (Terry Fox, Unicef) are fundraisers for worthy causes that are separate from our school. These efforts teach kids that giving is important and that they have the power to make a difference in their world. Over the year, you may also notice various opportunities to raise money for Free The Children or other charities.
Scholastic orders are a service offered to parents to allow us to buy inexpensive books for our homes. Owning books is a wonderful feeling for children, and is a great way to promote literacy. When we order from Scholastic, the teachers receive free books for the classroom.
Other fundraisers (pizza days, movie nights, magazine sales, Clairlea spirit-wear, and a possible dance-a-thon later this year) are organized by parent volunteers and School Council, and these raise money directly for Clairlea Public School. They also contribute to a sense of school spirit and community. A lot (lot, lot) of work goes into organizing these activities. Proceeds go the School Council account and funds are distributed based on motions made and votes taken at School Council meetings. This money buys items for the school and classrooms, pays for school trips, grade 8 graduation, and for improvements to the school environment.
None of these fundraisers are ever mandatory, and we appreciate everyone's participation at any level.
If you're interested in getting involved in fundraising for the school, please attend the next School Council meeting on Wednesday Oct 21 (7:00pm). There are lots of opportunities to help or lead fundraisers.