Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Welcome back!

Welcome back, Clairlea! The School Council provided breakfast for the teachers this morning, as well as a small welcome-back gift, on behalf of all the kids who benefit from their teachers' hard work, energy and dedication. Teachers, we know you are going to be working hard all year and we want you to know how much we appreciate you. Thank you! (Thanks also to the parents who spent Monday evening getting everything ready and were up early this morning to deliver the treats.) There are many ways to stay on top of what's going on at Clairlea:
  • Read this blog, plus the school blog at http://clairlea.blogspot.com.
  • Send an email to clairleacouncil@gmail.com to be added to the School Council email list.
  • Attend Council meetings - all parents & guardians are welcome to attend, whether or not they choose to be voting members of Council. First meeting is Sept 23, 7pm.
  • Check to see if your child's teacher has a blog - a special shout-out to Miss Lowen and Ms Vincent for being the first to update their blogs this year. :-)
  • Check your child's bag for notices home - I believe the plan this year is that notices will be sent home weekly in a large envelope that should be returned the next day for re-use. I'm sure we'll be learning more about that this week.
  • Important notices are also posted on the school web site, http://schools.tdsb.on.ca/clairlea, along with plenty of other useful information.

Have a great year!

January Council Meeting

SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, January 21st, 2021 7-8:30 pm Stay tuned for the agenda and Zoom link!