Thursday, May 7, 2009

Notes from May 6 School Council meeting

Some notes from the quick and efficient School Council meeting last night: Staffing / school activities: - Mr. Puopolo is interviewing teachers to fill expected vacancies in the school for next year. The staffing model will be complete by the end of May. Some timetable adjustments may need to be made due to the 210 minutes of prep time (weekly) agreed upon in recent teacher negotiations. - Ms. Phillips will retire this year. We wish her very well. A new principal will be announced this Spring - probably by the end of May - by superintendent Dickinson. - The Grade 8's are going on a four-day class trip to Quebec, accompanied by three teachers. - EQAO testing takes for grades 3 and 6 will take place between May 25 and June 5. (Grade 3 French immersion students are tested on math only.) School Council projects: - Council will fund the Grade 8 graduation, dinner and yearbook, as in past years. - Council will fund the kindergarten graduation, as in past years. - The Primary Math Club sent a very nice thank you note for the games provided by School Council. Fundraising: - The baskets at the Spring concert raised about $775! Together with proceeds from pizza days, movie nights and other fundraisers, this money funds projects like the ones listed above. Thanks to those who coordinated and to everyone who participated. - The dance-a-thon I mentioned in an earlier post will not take place after all, for logistical reasons. - The next pizza lunch is May 28. Planning is well underway for next year's fundraisers. Volunteers are needed to lead fundraising activities both large and small, including: - manage a barbecue or treat table at curriculum night in September - organize a treat table for the December concert - manage a read-a-thon in January - organize the 2010 Fun Fair - a big job but lots of fun! - volunteers are also needed to help out with fundraisers throughout the year, including the above and many others. Come to the June 3 School Council meeting to learn more about what you can do to help! If you're interested in volunteering, please seek out Ginnie (School Council chair) or leave a message for her at the office. I think that was about it. Official minutes to come once approved. Click here for the minutes from April's meeting. p.s. I apologize for listing the wrong day for the Clairlea Park opening! I know at least one family was inconvenienced and I hope there were not too many others.

January Council Meeting

SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, January 21st, 2021 7-8:30 pm Stay tuned for the agenda and Zoom link!