Saturday, September 30, 2017

If you missed pizza lunch...

If your kid missed pizza lunch last week, it is probably because you haven't yet signed up for the School Cash Online system. The pizza lunch order requests (along with field trips, agendas and other school items) appear there automatically.

Currently there is an order request in School Cash Online for the Oct 11 pizza lunch. Just log in, click your child's tab, select the type of pizza and drink that they would like, and pay online. The deadline is October 8 and extensions are not possible. 

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Why orange? The story behind Orange Shirt Day

As you know, the kids are being asked to wear orange on Friday to show their awareness and respect for the Aboriginal people who suffered in Canada's residential schools.

But why orange?

The idea stems from the story of a six-year-old girl, Phyllis, from the Dog Creek Reserve. In 1973, excited for her first day of school, she proudly wore a brand new shirt -- an orange one. The family didn't have much, so this new shirt was something really special.

On the day she arrived at the Mission residential school, she and the other students were stripped and their clothes taken away. She was made to feel worthless, a feeling which lasted well into adulthood. She never saw that shirt again. Read her story here

Saturday, September 23, 2017

A few notes from this week's School Council meeting

These are not the minutes, just a few quick notes from this week's school council meeting. 

Council updates

The School Council elected its new executive (thank you for volunteering your time to lead us!) and invited parents to become involved in whatever way they would like. Attend meetings (whether or not you are a voting member), volunteer at daytime events (pizza lunch, spirit wear, photocopying, planning) or evening events (fun fairs, concerts), secure donations for events (silent auctions, prizes, food and drink), or put your individual skills to good use. Contact Irit to offer your help

Last June's Fun Fair made a profit of $4,000 which will be used to support Clairlea's STEAM programs. (What is STEAM?)

We need to update our School Statement of Needs, essentially a description of what we look for in a principal. This would be used in the (hopefully long-distant) event that the board would be assigning us a new principal. Send your thoughts to Marina

If you're looking to order pizza lunch, you MUST sign up for school cash online. Contact Ms. Carson for details. If you put in an order for Sept 20, it will be automatically transferred to the correct date of Sept 27. 

Administration updates

Clairlea's actual registration exceeded projections, which is why some class sizes are over the caps. We have been allotted an extra primary French immersion teacher, which is terrific news but it does mean that some primary French immersion classes will be reorganized. This will happen as soon as portable #3 can be converted to a classroom. Recently it has been used as a music room. The school is about 60% French immersion, 40% English. 

Some construction is planned for the playground... once soil tests are complete to ensure there is no contamination from the landfill underneath, the kids will be getting climbing bars and other playground equipment. The bridge in the existing play structure is also scheduled for repairs. 

Sports and clubs are already underway, including soccer, run club, flag football and house league soccer. 

Photo day is October 4. October 6 is a PA Day. 

Next meeting is Wednesday October 18, 7pm in the staff room. 

Friday, September 15, 2017

Happy September!

Hello everyone and happy September!

A few notes to start off the year:

1. School Council meets on Wednesday September 20 at 7:00pm at the school. All are welcome.

2. The welcome back barbecue (5pm) and curriculum night (6pm) are on Thursday September 21. Details here.

3. Pizza lunch is on September 27. You may have seen a different date on School Cash Online but it is definitely Sept 27. Orders are only through School Cash Online - there will be no paper orders this year. If you need access to a computer, please stop in at the school office.

As always, there is a group of dedicated School Council volunteers who are working hard behind the scenes to make all of this happen. Thank you!!

January Council Meeting

SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, January 21st, 2021 7-8:30 pm Stay tuned for the agenda and Zoom link!