Monday, February 28, 2011

Teacher Appreciation Lunch - cooks needed!

On March 10, the parents of Clairlea will be hosting lunch for the staff as thanks for all the extra things they do to create a happy, fun and supportive place for our children to be! 

We need your help! Please join us in a thank you for the Sports teams, Clubs, Homework groups and activities that are offered to our students. If you can make a dish for this potluck and drop it off that morning please call or email Ginnie. 416-522-8174


Phew! Am I ever behind on blogging. Can you believe it's almost March Break?

I have a few notes from the February School Council meeting to share with you. And wasn't Fenetre Ouverte terrific? Many teachers and parents put a tremendous amount of effort into the day, and from what I heard the kids all felt it was fantastic. The goal of the entire day was to celebrate French and recognize all the students - both core French and immersion - for making the effort to speak the language. The highlight of my evening was the djembe drums lesson in Mme Park's class. Thank you to the young gentlemen who were such excellent teachers! I also loved the opportunity to drop in on the guitar club - and it was great to hear that they are now able to bring their guitars home thanks to the cases School Council funded in the fall.

Speaking of drums, did your kids tell you about the Mystic Drumz assembly a few weeks ago? Mine were raving about it for days. This program was initiated by one of the teachers (Mme Park too, I think), and funded by the School Council - so thank you to everyone who organized or participated in our fundraisers. You can see that the funds are being put to good use.

More very soon. -Catharine.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Pizza orders due on Wednesday

Pizza lunch order forms should be coming home today. I am sorry they are late this month; an issue with the copier prevented me from getting them out last week. Please note that they must be returned to the school by this Wednesday, Feb 16!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Mr. Laderman

I had a chance to meet our new principal, Mr. Laderman, today. He is a (formerly) retired principal who has 36 years experience in the school system, and has been hired back to serve at Clairlea during the search for a permanent principal.

His door was open when I happened to be in the office, so I introduced myself. He asked me to sit, and invited me to ask him anything. Of course, I asked if he would be with us until the end of the school year. That turned out to be the one question he couldn't answer, although he understands how much this matters to parents and teachers alike. He assured me that he would ensure we are kept informed as decisions are made. He emphasized his goal to minimize the impact on students of the change in principals.

He has already visited all the classrooms and enjoyed seeing the grade 8 kids at their Valentine's dance. His manner was open, friendly and relaxed, and my impression is that he will lead with enthusiasm and positivity.

Welcome to Clairlea, Mr. Laderman!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Movie Night! Friday Feb 25

Clairlea is having a movie night on Friday Feb 25! The movie is Megamind.
$2 per person, BYOBlanket. 7pm. Popcorn and drinks will be available to purchase.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

School's closed today

From the Toronto District School Board's web site:

Weather Alert
"Due to the snow storm, all TDSB schools and offices are closed to staff and students for Wednesday, February 2. All after-school and evening activities are also cancelled. The safety and welfare of students and staff is a priority during these severe weather conditions. Please visit for the latest information."

January Council Meeting

SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, January 21st, 2021 7-8:30 pm Stay tuned for the agenda and Zoom link!