Friday, May 21, 2010

More Fun Fair donations!

The Fun Fair is just three weeks away and things are really gearing up! If you are a volunteer, please don't miss the volunteer meeting on May 26, 7pm at the school. If you can volunteer and have not already signed up, please email us now!

Huge thanks to the following people and organizations for their generous contributions to our raffle and silent auction: 

Don't forget to order your Fun Passes - they are $25 in advance, $30 at the door. Send an email to

Calling all shovels!

The after-school gardening club needs your help - and your shovels! If you have one to lend or give, please contact Ms. Hawkins via the Clairlea Green blog.

Monday, May 17, 2010

After-school gardening club

Ms Hawkins and Ms Brathwaite have started a gardening club after school on Wednesdays and could use your help! Please send a note or meet them after school on Wednesday at the front of the school. I can't wait to see what they are going to create!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Track and Field Schedule

From Ms. Vincent's blog, the Track and Field Training schedule for all participating in the track meet:

Relay, Grades 6 - 8
Monday morning 8 am

Running Long Jump
Friday and Monday
12:20 pm

Standing Long Jump
Friday 12 pm

Bake Sale - Photos

Ginnie sent photos from the bake sale! She also had this to say:

The parents, students and staff who baked for the bake sale were amazing!

The cupcakes and cookies and treats were amazing - see the pictures below.

One of the favorites was the cupcake in an ice cream cone!

The best part was seeing the kindergarten kids. For many of them, it was their first time ever spending money on their own. They were so proud, squeezing their loonies tightly in their hands so they wouldn't lose them. When they walked in (they got first pick!) their eyes were wide with wonder at all the treats.

A huge thanks to Maria, who spent the whole day there! And to Hope, who worked tirelessly and made sure we got to all the classes.

Thank you! We raised more than $600. Of that, 25% will go to Cystic Fibrosis and the rest to the support projects around the school.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bake Sale & Diversity Day

By all accounts, Diversity Day was a tremendous success. Congratulations!

Thank you for all your hard work on the bake sale, Clairlea! In just one day we raised more than six hundred dollars. The treats were amazing and the reaction from the students was phenomenal! 25% of the proceeds will go to Cystic Fibrosis and the rest to the school. 

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Low-cost dental care

Mr Frenette kindly shared this information about free / low-cost dental care at the last School Council meeting. My apologies for neglecting to get it posted sooner.

Fun Fair update - meeting May 26

The Fun Fair needs your help! Please email the Fun Fair chairperson, Irit Hartman at The next fun fair meeting is on Wed. May 26, 7pm in the staff room. 

Thank you to all the amazing companies that have made donations to the silent auction. Please keep them coming! Recent donations have been received from: 
  • CMAC Beaches Dojo  (A month of children's martial arts classes, with uniform and guidebook worth $60!)
  • Sportplay  (A gift certificate for a free session of classes OR a half-day session of summer camp worth 170!)
  • Toronto Blue Jays  (Signed photograph of player)
  • Canada's Wonderland  (four Pay-One-Price Passports for the 2010 season worth 224.96!)
  • Beach Fairway  (four rounds of mini-golf and three large buckets of balls worth $59!)
  • TFO  (six mini-TFO DVDs worth 40!)
  • Mastermind Beaches  (toy worth $25!)

The Fun Fair is going to be fantastic. Please order your Fun Passes now - they are $25 in advance, $30 at the door. 

School Newsletter (May)

The May school newsletter has been posted. Past newsletters are listed at right. 

January Council Meeting

SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, January 21st, 2021 7-8:30 pm Stay tuned for the agenda and Zoom link!